Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lesson Learned

Well folks, I've learned a valuable lesson. An accident I had warned others about stuck me. I lost my flash drive with many of the posts I had been working on for this site. I know, I know. As somewhat of a techy, I should have known better. I'm not prone to losing things and a little obsessive about accountability, but apparently, my accountability takes a back seat when I get overwhelmed. Given my ever changing work schedule and responsibility load, I misplaced my flash drive.

When I asked my daughter if she'd seen my flash drive, she responded by sarcastically asking "Is that one of those antique storage thingees?" and "brought me into the present" by telling me about Dropbox. I had been an X-Drive user since day one but quit when they stated charging and promptly forgot about online storage. I am now a hardcore Dropbox user!

I'll get to the subject matter posts in a bit but. I'd like to update my progress a bit.  Since the beginning of this blog, I stated that I had made some commitments for this year.

1. I've lost 10 lbs. and gotten in shape. In fact, I finished the P-90X and competed in the Spartan

2. I've started reading more. I intended on reading more books but I wound up reading more online.

3. Still working on better communication with the wifester and kids but definitely some improvements in that area. This is important so, I'm working hard here.

Now, I'll post some of the articles I've had to rewrite from drafts for now. My best piece on how a cartel sicarios comes into being was totally lost so I'll have to start from scratch with that one. Again, Sorry about the loss and delay of my posts. As I've mentioned, I have a bit of an obsession with accountability so I'll post regularly and make it up to you. Thanks for your concerned emails regarding my absence.


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