Why are the Mexican cartels successful at what the do? The consensus
answer in the US Intelligence agencies and American analysts is multifaceted. 1).
They have a clear-cut goal, 2). They know Mexican and US laws, 3) They well structured.
They are not the ragtag bunch of uneducated thugs many
people make them out to be. While the lowest level members may not be well
educated and many live in poverty, they see the possibility of moving up the
ladder by proving their abilities and loyalty. It is the plaza bosses and their
cartel leaders that make the important decisions. Many if not most of the
Lieutenant, Captains, and cartel heads are well educated. Some were ex-military,
policeman, government officials, and even engineers, and doctors. Some were even
educated and trained in US schools or even at Ft. Benning Georgia’s School of
the Americas were US Army Rangers and other elite units train.
I’ll touch a bit on the above three topics above but in this
post, I want to emphasize the Intelligence aspect of the cartels’ success
Clear- cut goal: Get filthy rich as soon as possible without
letting anything or anyone get in their way, especially the law.
They know Mexican and US laws: They just find ways to circumvent
or just ignore the laws.
They are well structured. Each member has a purpose to serve
in the cartel. From the 16 year old lookout on the street corner to the boss’s second in command,
they know there is big price to pay for failure or betrayal.
So how do the cartels use intelligence. As mentioned earlier,
many of the top level cartel members are educated in various fields, they
understand the usefulness of intelligence and many ex- military and ex- law
enforcement officials are well trained in this field. The simple use of two-way
radios and cloned cell phones is the basis for their communications but they’ve
taking it to a higher level by erecting clandestine radio communications towers
with repeaters and other equipment to maintain their communication networks. If
there is no one within their group with the knowledge to build them, it’s not
uncommon to find someone who can and threaten with their lives and those of
their families.
Mexican Military seized of 51 radios, a base radio charger
with vehicle microphone, 57 chargers, several cloned cell phones,
In the passed five years, as many as 42 engineers,
technicians and tradesmen have been kidnapped and forced to set up the
equipment at gunpoint until the project is completed. Most are never seen
again. These types of radio networks are primarily used by the lower echelon
members for basic communications or to jam or intercept law enforcement or
military forces. In some cases, these radio networks are used to spy on rival
cartels and even find out moles or betrayers.
Meanwhile, bosses use the internet to communicate. One
crafty way they use email without attracting to much attention and seem
legitimate is set up an email account using a free commonly known domain such
as Gmail, AOL, or any other. The boss gives the account name and password to
his trusted captains who sets up another free email account and gives his
lieutenants the account address and password.
The boss writes his orders to his captain as any regular
email but, instead of sending the email, he saves it in the draft folder. The
boss then sends the captain a regular email containing innocuous information
about harmless subjects such as school, family, or some innocent conversation.
This sent email notifies the captain to check his email. The captain logs in
and checks the draft folder to find his new orders. He reads it, then deletes
the message.
Mexican Marines patrolling a desolate area in Tamaulipas found
a radio communications tower with repeaters and other equipment.
Marines guard seized telecommunications
equipment, allegedly built by the Zetas drug cartel.
This post explains only the communication networks the cartels use to communicate and exploit to their advantage. There are more methods they use which I will post at a later time.
Keep in contact.
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