Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ninja Runners

I know that this post has absolutely NOTHING to do with the subject matter of this blog but I thought I'd give my runners a piece of my mind just for the fun of it. While going over my New Years resolutions, I recalled this piece I wrote few months back. I think it's timing is appropriate now due to countless resolutions regarding getting in shape. I hope you think about it when you go out for a run.

I like to run. I try to run every day if I can. Some of you like to run and that’s good. Some of you like to not run and that’s bad. Anyway, because of my ever changing schedule, I sometimes run early in the morning when it’s still dark. Sometimes I run in the evening after dark. Because of my crazy schedule, I sometimes also have to drive to work early in the morning before the sun comes up, (that means it’s still dark). Sometimes I get out of work late after the sun goes down and it’s also dark out. What does that have to do with running you ask?

Well , I’ll tell you. It never ceases to amaze me how many people I see, (or almost don’t see), running in the dark wearing black shirts, black pants, black socks, and black shoes. I wouldn’t doubt they are wearing black underwear too. I have had so many close calls nearly hitting these idiots that I quit counting. The stupid thing about this whole dilemma is that they flip me off and curse me out because I didn’t see them crossing the street at zero dark thirty on a non lit intersection!

Newsflash for you suicidal runners, and you know who you are. That nickel sized Nike logo on the back of your shoe DOES NOT light you up like lighthouse! I hate to be the one to burst your black bubble but, reflective logos will not protect you from a 2,000 pound vehicle moving at 40 miles per hour. At most, you’d feel like a speed bump. If you run for your health and continue your careless choice of night camouflage, you’ll only die healthy, sweaty, and painfully I might add. It may be your choice to die while getting your exercise, but it’s not your choice to have me or some other innocent driver having to live with the guilt of killing another human being because you weren’t  bright enough (darn right the pun was intended) to take some ridiculously simple and cheap precautions.

Seriously people, is your life not worth the $3.00 cost of a fluorescent / reflective vest? How about a $5.00 bright yellow shirt? Or God forbid a $5.50 headlamp from Harbor Freight? Yes I know wearing all black looks cool. Johnny Cash, Wesley Snipes, Al Pacino, and Darth Vader all prove that. But you are not at that level of coolness, especially at 6 in the morning and covered in sweat. Besides, who’s going to see you? Everyone who might admire how cool you look in black is still in bed or going to bed!
Vest $3-6.00
Arm/ankle bands $6-8.00
Head lamp $ 5.50
OK. If you are thinking that maybe drivers should just be more careful, you can just forget that. Drivers are already distracted enough with texting their bosses an excuse for being late, eating a breakfast taco, putting on make-up, and trying to set a land speed record because they woke up late. The last thing on their mind is looking out for some sweaty ultra cool wannabe health nut trying to make a fashion statement.

If you continue to believe that running down the street in the dark dressed as a ninja is still a good idea, maybe you should be eliminated from the gene pool. Is that a little harsh? Then consider living with a broken body for the rest of your life. Or, in a wheelchair, living with the nagging thought of, "If only I had spent the $20.00 on safety". Or, living with the resentment towards a driver who never saw you. That’s IF you survive getting run over. If you don’t, at least you can look cool in your black suit or dress while lying in your coffin. Your friends at the funeral will also be wearing black. Nuff’ said.

In case you’re wondering, I wear a fluorescent yellow shirt, yellow road guard vest with reflective strips on front and back, 3 inch wide reflective ankle bands when I run. I also have a white LED headlamp if I’m going to run on the street. In 2007, I was hit by a car in broad daylight while running. Fortunately, only the rearview mirror hit my left elbow but, it still knocked me to the ground. The lady driving the white Toyota slowed down and looked in her rear-view mirror but drove on when she saw me get up. She then made a quick turn before I could get the license tags. I now run towards traffic if I run on the street. Yes, I know what the law says but, the fine is cheaper than a stay at the hospital or a funeral. At least, if I can’t get out of the way in time and I do get killed, I can get a description of the driver or maybe the license tags before I die. When I meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates in my running shoes and bright yellow vest, I’ll give him the description of the driver and the license tags. They may have a little surprise when they get there cause’ St. Peter was a runner too.

Night ninja, A.K.A. speed bump.
Will live to run another day..

That's all I have to say about that. Now, let's all go for a run!

Check out the Cardio Trainer App from Work Smart Labs for Android.


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