Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Year 2013

 Well folks, welcome to 2013. At the risk of sounding cliche, I'm looking forward to a better year. In the past few years, the only resolution I made was to not make any resolutions, and instead, starting things anew. This year, I have backtracked a bit and decided to make a few resolutions since I'm approaching 2013 with a sense of a new beginning. I want to post them here in general terms for everyone to see as a form of accountability for myself.

1. Lose some weight and get in better physical shape. I know that's a very common New Years resolution but I'm talking about a getting on a set plan for eating healthier and diversifying my exercise program. About 5 years ago, I did resolve to lose weight, and I did, but in a kind of haphazard manner. I've managed to keep the weight off but still have a few more pounds to go.

2. I resolve to communicate better with my wife and family. Not that we don't, we just got into some habits that made communication difficult. I will break those habits and relearn the art of meaningful communication.

3. I resolve to manage my finances better. I've already made some helpful changes and seeing the results. That has encouraged me to continue.

4. I resolve to post to my blog on a consistent basis. I'm open to discussing a subject. A pet peeve of mine is following a good blog, then finding that the blogger is not consistent and eventually loses interest or goes months without posting anything.

5. Read more books.

Going over my resolutions, I believe time management will be a vital element in keeping my resolutions. Prioritizing and time management to be exact.

Happy 2013 and make the best of it!

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