Monday, March 18, 2019

Border Patrol Checkpoint Idiots.

Once again, another one of many personal US rights zealots who really thinks they are above the law. Man, these people are IDIOTS!

Go ahead people tell me I'm wrong at this point, but before you do, If you are so adamant about your damn rights, finish reading before you spout off.

You idiots who are trying to become YouTube stars by defying Border Patrol checkpoints and seeking "likes" make me sick to my stomach and want to make me to throw up on your Mercedes Benz velour seats. First of all, you DEMAND that the US Government keep us safe from harm from outside threats but you FAIL and miserably blow it when you REFUSE to believe that outside threats come in all forms such as outsiders posing as Americans and smugglers being smarter than you by refusing questioning at checkpoints. (Think 9/11 attackers).

That proves to me that you're more concerned more about your civil rights than you are are about the threats to our country that I defended for 21 years while you sat in cushy home in Wisconsin smoking weed that was smuggled in from Mexico or cocaine from Columbia.

Personally, I think your "recreational drugs" are more of a concern to you than border security or US safety, or even your personal "recreation".

Read my post:
Or even my post:

Or maybe even US Law: The authority for this is based on the Immigration and Nationality Act 287(a)(3) and copied in 8 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 287 (a)(3), which states that Immigration Officers, without a warrant, may "within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States...board and search for aliens in any vessel within the territorial waters of the United States and any railcar, aircraft, conveyance, or vehicle. 8 CFR 287 (a)(1) defines reasonable distance as 100 air miles from the border.

FYI, Border Patrol is a department of US Customs and Border Protection.

Guess what? I was born and raised along the Texas / Mexican border, I served in the Army all over the world and have crossed more stringent borders than you ever will in the US, I served on US / Mexico border security mission along with TxDPS and Border Patrol and Brooks County Sheriff's Office. I happen to know the deal more than you ever will. My favorite city to visit is San Antonio and the Hill Country of Texas but every time I had to leave my home in the Rio Grande Valley since I was a kid, I had to cross the US Border Patrol checkpoint. It was a fact of life.

Two questions were asked of me, Are you a US Citizen, (Yes). Where you going, (San Antonio or where ever I was going). I got waved through. In the 52 years I have lived in the RGV, I have only been stopped once because I looked scruffy and was driving my mother's Lincoln Park Avenue car. I showed my civilian credentials and released. 

But, NOOOOOOOO, you have to be difficult and insist on your "civil rights", hold up the line for us regular folk, then post it on YouTube as a victory. Well FYI, you didn't quite get off as easy as you thought. As I assisted USBP for many years, I know that before every checkpoint, agents expect people like you and have license plate readers before you get to the checkpoint and at the checkpoint along with drug sniffing dogs. Any vehicle attempting to cross the checkpoint with your vehicle's description under suspicion has already been given to every checkpoint along the border and I know that because I was one to guys who sent those alerts to USBP and surrounding county Sheriffs' Officers and TxDPS Troopers. 

Really, you think you may have achieved a victory over the "Gestapo" government agents but the fact is, they can easily run your plates through NCIC, TCIC or any other database and quickly find you. 

Hey, you asked us to keep you all safe but you think that just because you're an American your immune from US law. That's not enough in today's world so just answer the damn questions and don't worry so much about,

Here's another one I just found on Facebook trying to make her I'm a US Citizen statement and I don't have to answer US Law ignoramous YouTube wannabe. Again, read US law and read the US Law below. Ignorance of the law is NOT an excuse. You people only care to no citizen detainment but refuse to accept:

US Immigration and Nationality Act 287(a)(3) and copied in 8 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 287 (a)(3), which states that Immigration Officers, without a warrant, may "within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States...board and search for aliens in any vessel within the territorial waters of the United States and any railcar, aircraft, conveyance, or vehicle. 8 CFR 287 (a)(1) defines reasonable distance as 100 air miles from the border.

If you consider yourself a US citizen, then why do you refuse to obey this US Law? Yeah, I know, you think it  "violates" your Constitutional Rights. Well guess what snowflake? Your Constitutional Right video has been teaching US drugs smugglers how to get passed checkpoints without getting searched. Luckily most don't all get passed though. Here's another thing snowflake. If your so high and mighty about your Constitutional rights on search and seizure being enforced, why are you so against my constitutional rights when it come to my 2nd Amendment rights?



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