Sunday, March 24, 2019

What Border Emergency?

Well. as ya'll know by now, the politicians have burned the bridge before we got to it. The president's request for the border wall was vetoed. I'm not totally surprised because the denial was not really about the funding but more about denying Trump. OK, I get it. You don't like President Trump and  think he's a lost circus clown so you'll do anything to stop his efforts no matter what. On the other hand, some of you support President Trump and will do what you can to help him succeed. Regardless of the National Emergencies Act of 1976, which the Senate used to veto the declaration of a national emergency. It was the Democrat-controlled House that asserted its authority with the president, who they claim has gone virtually unchecked during his first two years in office. Unchecked?

So the president declares his authority on border security, and now he's gone rogue? I can just picture the drug cartels celebrating with booze, firing their AKs in the air and waving posters of Nancy Pelosi. Guess what boys and girls? The cartels watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS News and probably even C-Span to see whats going on here to learn how they can use our laws to their benefit. It something called counter intelligence. (Future post BTW).

In the mean time let's take a look at what's really going on in my front yard and yours in the future.

Note that two of these incidents occurred after the veto.

Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than $3 million worth of alleged methamphetamine within four days at the Donna International Port of Entry. A female Mexican citizen was arrested after being found with 38 packages of alleged methamphetamine.

A 22-year-old male U.S. citizen, along with his 18-year-old brother were arrested after Customs agents discovered 39 packages of alleged methamphetamine in their vehicle.

In just five minutes on Tuesday morning, Border Patrol agents in Texas apprehended more than 400 illegal immigrantsCBP agents near the border wall just west of Bowie High School in El Paso encountered a group of 194 illegals around 2:45 AM. Just five minutes later, agents snagged a second group -- this time, it was 245 people -- near downtown El Paso.

Source USCBP,

These are only three incidents out of thousands that occur everyday. Is it just me or do you also see that as a threat to national security? If you want to see more, please visit,

If you think this is a only a border problem, let me tell you what, it not, it's an American problem. The south west border regions are only the foyer of the house we call our home. Our federal agents, troopers, deputies, officers, and constables are the front line boots on the ground line-backing the poison headed north to the rest of the US. During my service along the border, a DEA agent once told me that it was estimated that of all the narcotics that make it across the US border, less than 2% remains here along the border. The rest is headed for major cities like New Your, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, and other large cities where its' more profitable.

See my earlier post: Mary Jane Comes Home

Now, back to the issue of border security. Now that the veto has been slapped across Trump's mug, the Democrats' rhetoric and opinions have been thrown around like penalty flags at a Cowboys game. Now, Mr. Beto O'Rourke is making it abundantly clear the he would "absolutely" support tearing down existing barriers along the southern border with Mexico stating that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) figures suggesting that illegal border crossings dropped sharply in El Paso following the construction of a wall there. In his next statement on MSNBC, he says to  Chris Hayes, that the wall has only pushed migrants and asylum seekers and refugees to the most inhospitable, the most hostile stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border, ensuring their suffering and death."

Keep in mind that Mr. O'Rourke has only mentioned asylum seekers, families, children, work and human rights or as I call them, "happy points". He has not yet mentioned anything about felons, dangerous gang members, or narcotics entering our country, which in most cases cannot be vetted by the originating countries.

Wait. Just because border crossings dropped sharply in El Paso since the wall went up, taking it down will keep the numbers the same or lower them? What about the rest of Texas or New Mexico? Since the wall has been up in the Rio Grande Valley numbers have been only about 10% lower but drug seizures have increased. Are you using Common Core Math Mr. O'Rourke?

Mr. O'Rourke also says that because of the border wall, (which Senate Minority Leader Schumer, D-NY, then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, supported the Secure Fence Act of 2006, authorizing 700 miles of fencing at the border), have in effect, "Walled off their opportunity to legally petition for asylum, to cross in urban centers like El Paso, to be with family, to work jobs, to do what any human beings should have a right to be able to do".

If the border wall/ fence is removed, what is going to prevent human/ drug smugglers, gang members, terrorists, criminals, and gang members from entering our borders? As it stands now, Agents and other LEOs at our borders are overwhelmed, stretched thin, and funding for border security is never at full operational levels. 

Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against legal immigration, asylum, or foreign workers coming to the US but the problem of the undesirable dangers entering our country now and in our children's future must also be addressed. This partisan playground bullying must stop and the real issues American face must be addressed now! 

This post was targeted against all politicians and Americans against border security, no only against Mr. O'Rourke. He was just the squeaky wheel which I refuse to oil.

Look for my my post Cartel Counter Intelligence next week.

Dann bis später. 

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