Thursday, March 28, 2019

Illegal Immigrant Problem?

Well, I believe the immigration problem the left wing media is downplaying has come to a head, again. Folks, I am NOT anti immigration. I strongly feel that everyone has a right to a good and fair life regardless of your skin color, nationality, race, or creed. I do however, believe that immigration and asylum should be done legally. I also believe that assimilation into society should be part of the immigration and asylum process because being American, Canadian, or German, makes us who we are and we must live by laws or risk being an anarchist unruly society living by individual standards.

This post is about how the US immigration laws are so broken that we have arrived at a point where we have allowed ourselves to be over run and don't know what to do next other than to give in. Our border patrol agents are now forced to shut down points of entry and checkpoints to basically babysit illegal immigrants who are using our own laws to play the system we created to keep them out of our country. Immigrants from all over the world are now claiming asylum from their past to enter the US because that is what they are told by their smugglers.

Every immigrant that enters the US illegally takes up around two to four hours to process through the paperwork system. Aside from the paperwork, agent must attend to health and safety issues of the immigrants and deal with unaccompanied children and their welfare. So, for every two or three immigrants an agent catches, that's an entire shift. Considering that an agent is required to transport injured or sick immigrant to the hospital and remain there until he/ she is released, agents often remain past their work shifts to ensure the detainee is healthy enough to be released.

Americans and liberals yet have the gall to call our agents killers, racists, and bigots. I worked at a Border Patrol sector headquarters and know from personal experience that our agents rescue and save more lives than any other law enforcement agency in the country. US Border Patrol even has emergency rescue units called BORSTAR units for the purpose of life saving measures. In my sector, they wear the red shirts instead of green.

So immigrants illegally enter the US, get free transportation, clean safe accommodation, free health care, free housing, and a free bus ticket to their destination and then don't show up for their court hearing. That's the "Catch and Release" program the US currently has as it's immigration policy. As a US veteran and served on a border security mission, I don't even have those rights! I must still pay out of my pocket for those privileges.

So, today, March 26, 2019, the US Border Patrol captured 1,750 illegal immigrants within a 48 hour period just in the Rio Grande Valley Sector alone! That's only in four counties in south Texas! These are immigrants from all over the world, not just Mexico. In fact Mexico is at the bottom six. Most are from Central America and OTMs, (Other than Mexicans). Guess how many anti American radicals with malintent blend into these asylum seekers?

Recently, I visited the respite center in McAllen, Texas to see what is happening there. This is place where immigrants are housed in clean safe environment and provided with basic needs and a free bus ticket to their desired destination to await their court hearing. The city of McAllen and the Catholic church charities is doing a great job of taking care of the immigrants but I still see a mixed message here on the border. The US is welcoming these people, taking care of them, providing all kinds of benefits but then transporting them all over the US without a guarantee that these people will ever follow up on their court dates or asylum pleas. What does that say to other future immigrants? That fact is that these people entered the US illegally! Then, they claim asylum knowing full well the law will allow them to remain here for years before their case comes up giving them plenty of time to disappear and stay in the US while claiming benefits, not paying taxes, and in some cases continuing their criminal endeavors.

This is all happening in my front door folks. If you think this won't happen at your front door, think again, it's only a matter of time before this shows up at your front door.

Listen to border patrol spokesman at click on the Record Numbers at Border link in the podcasts.

Which one of these aliens is a hardened criminal? Which one truly needs asylum? Which one will be an assimilated productive American? There is no validated vetting process.


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