Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Illegal Criminals at our Doorstep.

Today is April 30th, 2019.

Last week, at my front doorstep, the Rio Grande River, two illegal aliens from El Salvador were captured by border patrol agents in La Joya and Roma, Texas. Both aliens were known criminal offenders. The one caught in La Joya was a previously deported alien with an active warrant for sexual assault of a minor in New York. The second alien was a convicted felon also wanted for sexual assault of a minor in Virginia.

Thankfully, both were caught. How many other criminals weren't caught and continued on to other communities in our country? Why does the US government continue to allow this to happen under the guise of humanitarian assistance knowing full well there is no legitimate vetting process for criminals if the Central American and Mexican governments will not provide the US with valid background information on criminals? Must we take all the immigrants at their word that they are seeking asylum knowing full well that they have all been told to request that once they get here?

My experience and opinion? They don't care. The Central American and Mexican government don't want these criminals, poor people and gang members in their countries so they dump them on the US. Those governments don't want the financial burden of supporting or taking care of those people. Basically, they'd rather keep the money for themselves. They're basically playing the US legal system plain and simple. They know full well the American legal system must accept asylum seekers and that all those requests will clog up our legal system and give them the time to keep getting rid of their problem population.

The Mexican government has the reason, the resources, and manpower to stop the immigrants and caravans but they refuse to do anything about it because they don't want to deal with them either, they'd rather pass the problem on to the US. So now the American taxpayers has to foot the bill for coddling illegal immigrants and granting them benefits Americans can't get. Free healthcare, shelter, housing, transportation, education, etc, etc. Some states even grant them driver's licenses and college tuition along with the right to vote!

Interesting side note. Most Mexican prisons in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas are conveniently located along the Mexican / Texas border because the Mexican officials know damn well that any prison escapees will would rather flee to the US rather than face longer sentence in Mexico.

After 21 years of service to my country including border security service, I don't have those same rights! I'm still $10,000.00 in debt for my college education and the guy who entered my country illegally got his education for free along with his other privileges that I have to pay for on a tight budget. Something is definitely wrong here. What is it? POLITICS, politics, P0IiT1k5,! No matter how you present it, its the same shitaki mushroom.

So, here I am, at ground zero of the "immigration problem" in McAllen, TX. and our local leaders are turning this into a political issue during our local elections. Since this is ground zero and in the national spotlight, our city has practically been forced to set up a respite center to handle almost 1000 immigrants a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. That humanitarian duty has been taken on by the the Catholic Charities of the RGV. At first, the immigrants were being temporarily housed at a former nursing home located in residential area.

Nearby residents eventually protested out of fear and the impact of immigrants in the area. The city then leased a larger building to the charity in the downtown area and essentially became the landlord to the charity. Local businesses in the area are now expressing their concerns about aliens interrupting and affecting business in the downtown area.

As of today, April 30th, The local candidates are at different ends of the spectrum. One candidate is accusing the the other of turning McAllen into a "sanctuary city" while his opponent is simply following current US law and assisting in humanitarian relief while not falling into the legal definition of "sanctuary city".

I normally don't name names but since this election is public record. I an free to post names. My personal issue is that I know both candidates on a personal level and I have an extremely high regard for both candidates. I have known the Wilkins family for many years and I hold them in extreme high regard and I feel they have McAllen in their best interest. The Ingram family has been in McAllen government for many years and I also feel they have McAllen's best interest at heart but I feel the main point of the problem at hand is, from what perspective is this particular issue being addressed? Is it political, humanitarian, or legal?

Mr. Wilkins claims that Mr. Ingram is turning our city into a sanctuary city in violation of the will of the citizens and US law. By a legal definition, McAllen is not being turned into a sanctuary city. The city of McAllen is acting as an extension of current US law and will be compensated for its  expenditures by the federal government.

As the process now stands, US Border Patrol Agents and CBP Officers are dropping of immigrants at the respite center for care and future transport. If McAllen were a sanctuary city, the federal government would be in violation of its own laws, not McAllen. From a humanitarian standpoint, McAllen is also complying with federal law by providing safety and humanitarian needs of non US citizens.

From mine and other McAllenites, (or as I like to call us, McAllenoids), view, it is our own outdated federal laws that have failed us miserably. It is and has always been illegal to enter the US without legal approval but now it has just been relabeled as an asylum and humanitarian issue so as to justify our government's actions and make the problem more palatable for voters. Criminals, drugs, and corruption are still entering our country and no one is taking that into consideration even though the issue is closely tied in with the immigration issue. No one is talking about how Central American countries and Mexico are doing absolutely nothing to help stop the flow of immigrants but are in most cases encouraging it.

While we're on this topic, let's not turn a blind eye to the pink elephant in the room. We as Americans love to stand on our soap boxes and gripe and bitch all we can about the current illegal immigration crisis but continue to hire illegal immigrants because of the cheap labor. We know even big businesses such as poultry processing plants and landscaping businesses do it under the radar. Farmers, ranchers, and labor companies do it all the time and pay in cash under the table. All you have have to do is browse through Craigslist and read between the lines to find the job offers. They usually state that the applicant must be willing to relocate to a northern US state.

Heck, we locals have known that  here in McAllen and the rest of the Texas people have knowingly hired illegals to avoid taxes and labor requirements. Hell, I've known border patrol agents and cops that hire illegals to save a buck or two. They just know what questions not to ask. Those illegals are well known to be hard reliable workers but ultimately, where does most of their pay go? Back to their country of origin to help others come to the US.

Just as with narcotics, Americans and American politicians complain about the drug epidemic in the US and blame Mexico and other South American countries. The drug problem in the US is still and forever will be an issue of supply and demand. The US's insatiable demand for drugs will always have a plentiful supply from our southern neighbors but the drug trade goes hand in hand with human smuggling because those actions are operated by the Mexican drug cartels. As long as the US will continue to give immigrants a free ride to a better live without question, the immigrants will continue to come, legally or illegally along with the narcotics. A free ticket will always be a given, especially when its politicized for votes.

OMG. Did that last paragraph offend you?
Not sorry.

Marijuana bundles aliens were forced to carry into the US by smugglers as part of their crossing deal. If detected by US authorities, the smugglers abandon the aliens and flee back to Mexico. The following investigations tie up Agents and officers for hours or days keeping them from their duties on the border, cartel members know this and exploit the setup to their benefit.


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