Friday, May 24, 2019

Chinese Tariffs Rant

Our president has placed tariffs  on the Chinese. Why? Every year the US has lost billions on dollars on Chinese imports due to our to trade import agreement. That means that China is is importing their products to the US at a way way lower price than than the US agreed to. Inititially, it seemed like a good deal, We paid the the Chinese X amount of dollars and they would send us send us cheap crap. The US government at the time time thought we got the upper good deal and took the offer and ran with it.

Now here we are and realizing that we were being ripped off by the Chinese. They were buying all of of our steel, and stealing our intellectual properties and reselling it all back to us for a profit. They were creating pollution creation factories with the intent to sell them to the US for getting carbon credits under the the USs' "green house laws".

China has absolutely no intention of following any laws created for the anti global warming movement, they are in it only for profit and the US and other countries have no option but to follow the accord and pay China for selling their global footprint.

My question to you. What does China as a country produce or contribute to the benefit of our economy or humanity? What is a truly Chinese made product? What is a true Chinese product that contributes to human society, service, or society? Most, if not all, of their products are cheap worthless reproductions others' products, knockoffs, or worthless trinkets of no value. China is world known for intellectual property theft, copyright infringement, and dangerous reproductions created solely for the purpose of profit. How many Chinese products have been recalled because of dangerous ingredients, chemicals, or components have we seen?

Answer this question. What does China actually produce as a truly Chinese country? Not much as a country other than cheap imitations of others' countries products and intellectual property theft. Can you name one product , service, or trade that is truly Chinese made that brings value to our culture or our economy?

So, our president intends to place tariffs on this country to stop our BILLIONS dollars losses in our trade deficit. As of now, the leftists, Dems and liberals are crying foul and claiming how it will affect our businesses negatively but never is no mention of how much we will gain later.. The US is literally losing BILLIONS of your dollars on this shitty trade deal but you have no problem because you can buy your crap cheaper than cheap Chinese made shit over better US made products at WalMart but then have the gall to bitch about Trump's Chinese tariffs to stop the injustice. Explain that to me you Uber American patriot!

Theses tariffs are are not about screwing Americans, they are about getting even with the Chinese who have been screwing us for the past 50 years with deceiving us with lower prices.

In my REASON rant, people who are hating on our president for the Chinese tariffs, are really protesting against Trump out of hatred and against American interests and only looking out for their own personal gain. I, as an American, am willing to make a personal financial sacrifice if it will make a future gain for my country, even if it takes a political vote outside of my personal beliefs!

My Country First. I Took The Oath.


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