As a conservative Christian Constitutionalist
and 21 year Army veteran who has spent most of my adult life defending and
upholding our freedoms, constitution, and civil rights, I find it extremely
offensive when I get called out as an “anti- American” because of my personal or political views.
What I have observed in past couple of years
from the extreme liberals and social justice warriors is the liberals’ and
media’s intentional misuse of labels placed on people that liberals, Democrats,
and social justice warriors and even millennials with very little to no
knowledge of America’s history, struggles, or socials ills have given
themselves the right to judge me or anyone else with any belief system other than their own.
By doing so, they have made themselves, the
judge, jury, and executioner and given themselves the right to point their
fingers at us and say “You see, you are anti American”!
The labels I am referring to are what liberal
zealots (a true description by definition), are pinning on us Christian,
conservative presidential supporters with inaccurate labels in an effort to make us look like
haters in others’ eyes in the hopes of gaining support for their own political agenda or personal views.
The labels they are placing on us are strictly
intended to try to make their political opponents (conservatives), seem like
people who are using their personal belief system to divide Americans while
their purpose is really to dividing Americans into an us against them mentality. The
problem is that those same people are claiming allegiance to democracy and equality
but by their very efforts are creating the chasm that is dividing Americans.
Let me break this down for you dummy style whether you are
liberal, conservative, Republican or Democrat. Christian, Atheist, Muslim, or Agnostic. We are Americans and I have equal respect or all, but just because I may not agree
with your beliefs, I still accept them and don’t hate them but I am now labeled
as “anti-semite”. I don’t hate gays, immigrants, nor people from any other race or culture but because of my support for president Trump, liberals and Democrats have
labeled me as “homophobic” against Mexicans even though I am Hispanic married
to an Anglo making my kids biracial, but yet I and my children have labels put on on us for political reasons.
The last 10 years of my service to country was
in border security but, because I helped in stopping the illegal immigration
into our country, to include the apprehension of criminals and terrorists, I
was labeled as “racist”.
If I make any statement agreeing with President
Trump, yet another label is placed on me, “anti- American”. If I choose my
American given right to wear a MAGA hat that I served for the right to defend,
I might get assaulted in my own country. WTF? Where is the hate coming from now?
These liberal MFs truly believe they have the
fu(|{1Ng God giving right to put an inaccurate label on me because our belief system
is different than theirs just to make us look like haters so they can try to get
more votes for their political party? Really? That is NOT the system our political
system was based on created by our founding fathers. We are all Americans, we
vote and who ever wins, wins based on our votes. Just because you don’t like
the winning party does NOT give you the right to trash to disparage and accuse
the victor. Suck it up snowflakes!
I, as many other of my fellow service members
and Christians couldn’t stand the fact that Clinton and Obama won the elections
but we sucked it up and followed their orders and direction as Americans
because we were loyal to our country, not a certain politician. Do the same and quit trying to undermine our
system we all claim to stand for. Quit your damn pu$$y whining and accept the
situation, we are all in as Americans!
Want to challenge me on politics? Let’s go.
Answer me this. As a career military person, why is that every year a Democrat
president was in office, we didn’t get a pay raise even though all other
government workers did? Why is it the very time a Republican president was in
office, we got a pay raise? Did you get a raise or not during those administrations? If you didn't get a pay raise, why did conservatives not hear your gripes and complaints? You got your politicians in office didn't you?
Now, everybody is trying to point out president
Trump for getting lower tax refunds and accusing him of all kinds of crap but
no one has mentioned the fact that the reason for lower tax refunds is that you
got to keep most of your money in the previous year with lower taxes. No one mentioned that the unemployment rate dropped to a long time low.
A label was soon placed on Trump by Democrats
and liberals, “greedy”.
Let’s go over some definitions for clarity here
according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. These are some of the most
commonly used labels liberals and other media pundits like to use against
anyone who do not agree with their politics.
Homophobic: An irrational fear of, aversion to,
or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.
A term improperly and constantly misused by
liberals to label people as anyone who discriminates against any race, gender,
orientation, culture, or nationality.
I am considered a homophobic because I asked to
be reassigned a seat on a bus because the passenger seated next to me smelled
like rotten eggs, sweat, and fecal matter. Everyone thought I didn’t want to
sit next to him because he happened to be Muslim, I was now labeled as
homophobic by a liberal passenger.
I have gay friends and relatives I fully accept
without question. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
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Haters defaced an accepting church claiming hatred towards gays. Not the case. Just vandalism to make their personal point. |
Anti Semite: hostility toward or discrimination
against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.
As a Christian, it is my duty to stand for and
defend Jews. I have Jewish friends and firmly believe in their faith. I claim
no Jewish privilege. My immediate family is a mixed race family with no racial
issues or faith discriminators. As a world traveler, I celebrate racial and faith diversity but I am labeled as an
anti Semite because of my president who has Jewish roots and opposes illegal
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Doesn't know why he hates Jews but pledges allegiance to Jesus Christ even though Jesus was a Jew. |
Racist: A belief that race is the primary
determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce
an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Again, my family is multi racial with no issues
and total acceptance. My kids are biracial and have no issues even in other
countries, only in the US. Race is a human construct and only made an issue when
nationalism, skin color, or culture is applied. Most Americans don’t understand
the true definitions of majority and minority as they apply to race and confuse the two as superior and inferior. In one state
in a US community, I may be a minority but in my community in south Texas, a white Anglo Saxon
will be the minority. Yet, I am considered a minority by most
white liberals because I am Hispanic even though I am sometimes mistaken as
“white” because of my Spanish lineage, then their attitude towards me changes.
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Another immigrant to the US demanding all other immigrants leave "his" country because of his skin color because...Hitler. |
So, What labels do you use and put on others? Do you place labels on others based on true definition or on your personal stance or political beliefs? Do you try to
influence others to your personal belief system with labels?
Here's a funny question for you to chew on. Regarding this last racist white supremicist guy and his "brethren". Being that I am a Hispanic, you're demanding that I leave "Your" country. Uh, let me school you on a few facts before you swallow your pride..... My ancestors were born here before your white ass even thought about coming to this country. Just because you grand daddies came here and fired you guns against our arrows does not make this your country. We were her before you, and you cannot just tell me to leave. Let me ask you this, what country did you come from? Why did you leave your country? Was it because some other tyrants made you leave? Now you come to my country and demand that I leave and claim it as your yours? What the hell gives you that right? If it is not of God, You are wrong, like it of not.
Here's a funny question for you to chew on. Regarding this last racist white supremicist guy and his "brethren". Being that I am a Hispanic, you're demanding that I leave "Your" country. Uh, let me school you on a few facts before you swallow your pride..... My ancestors were born here before your white ass even thought about coming to this country. Just because you grand daddies came here and fired you guns against our arrows does not make this your country. We were her before you, and you cannot just tell me to leave. Let me ask you this, what country did you come from? Why did you leave your country? Was it because some other tyrants made you leave? Now you come to my country and demand that I leave and claim it as your yours? What the hell gives you that right? If it is not of God, You are wrong, like it of not.
Peace out dudes.
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