Friday, May 17, 2019

Yet Another Immigrant Death. Never Mind Another American Death.

The media has been blasting the death of yet another immigrant child death while in custody of US immigration officials. Oh what juicy news to use president Trump look like a cruel dictator! The media has made the story a top priority to further their efforts of making our president look like a cruel hater for the sole purpose of furthering their political agenda. I won't mention their ultimate goal for their reasons and let you decide.

So let's break these children's deaths in US custody situation down from both a legal and political standpoints. Let's start with the most recent death of A 2 1/2-year-old Guatemalan boy who died from of Pneumonia complications while in custody after illegally crossing the border. Upon arriving, his mother stated to officials that his son was ill. US officials took the appropriate measures and treated the child accordingly according to regulation and US Law.

The mother and child were released but the child later died. Two days after he and his mother were released, the child died due to complications. In this case and in previous cases, the children were sick before they entered the US and were not afforded any medical care by Mexico during their travels and arrived in the US before any viable treatment could have been given to the child. Any prior treatment would have spared their precious lives. That child's death is now being blamed on the US because Trump is the president. 

Even US military vets such as myself and criminals aren't afforded such care in many cases but people who enter our country illegally get that kind of immediate care. I'm a 21 year Army vet waiting 3 months just for an eye exam! Shit, why wouldn't they want to come here? Especially while their home countries and Mexico and profiting from the mass exodus?

Once in the US, officials took all measure to provide the child with any and all necessary medical care but unfortunately, it was to late. The child's condition was to far gone and unfortunately died. Yet, all US laws were followed and adhered to for medical and humanitarian treatment for those in need regardless of status yet these stories are presented in a way to place the blame on executive policy or labelled as "homophobic, hatred or discrimination" policies implemented by our current president

Nothing is ever mentioned about the immigration laws implemented by the previous administration that were set as law. (Wonder Why)?

How does that help the immigrants in our government's care? That is the politics we see presented by the media everyday intended to redirect our views to a socialist standpoint that they will benefit from.

This is where Trump haters took up their torches and pitchforks and made their rally call to make Trump like he personally killed those children with his bare hands, policies, and intents. Not one Trump hater, reporter, or leftist has made any effort to show that the US Border Patrol, CBP officer, border law enforcement officials, or boots on the ground at our borders has saved more lives than any other agency in our country. Why do you think that is?

Now, let's look at the immigration situation from a legal standpoint. As an American reader, I'll assume you believe in our US Constitution and US laws. If you say you do, then you must agree that the US is a sovereign country that enforces US immigration and border laws as any other sovereign country in the world does without question. If you do, you must also agree that our immigration laws are being violated every day by an unprecedented number of ways never seen before by the US by people from various countries who cannot be vetted and who can likely be a threat to our very being as a peaceful nation. But, by accepting, you must also accept the fact that there are those "immigrants" who are "seeking asylum" with the ulterior motive to influence or destroy our way of life by exploiting our very weak laws to enter our country.

Every country has it's laws and it's politics. Look at every country that has ethical problems today. They have either chosen the politics or legal way to run their country. It's quite plain to see that that the countries in dire straits now have chosen politics over law which later created ethical and humanitarian problems which they are now having to deal with and dividing their countries.

Below are a couple of links to other countries problems dealing with the same problem we face on a similar scale. Why do we refuse to learn from history or others regardless of race or culture? Is it because we think we know better because we are Americans?
Please note that Sweden has a Socialist Democratic government.
Germany forms a liberal immigration policy which backfires.
A conservative Democratic country going Islamic because of liberal acceptance?
Texas border video

Modern thought of liberalism and total acceptance and inclusions based on personal standards over our societal foundation which made us unique will destroy any society. 

Choose wisely.


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