Sunday, May 12, 2019

Now Mexico is Cooperating?

Mexico is now taking action to help stop the illegal immigration problem that is affecting my community and the rest of the US. Why now? because it is affecting them financially.

Mexicans are now calling on their government because they are personally feeling the effects of illegal immigration. At first, they couldn't care less because they were only passing of the problem to the US and in many cases, profiting from the migrants.

Now that they are feeling the negative effects we have endured for many years, they are now demanding action from the Mexican government. Below is a new YouTube video a McAllen respite center volunteer gave me a heads up on.

Make your decision, humanitarian, politics, legal, or an ethical problem. Make your decision and stick to it but just make sure your decision is not based on what what is solely convenient for your conscience. This is a problem that transcends all the above issues. 

I am an American sworn to defend our country and I will do so. As a Christian, I must help the lesser of my brothers and I will do so, as a law enforcement worker, I must enforce man's law and I did.

What was must be taken into consideration is the deceit of politics, human nature, and personal gain of unscrupulous profiteers.  


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