Friday, May 10, 2019

Alien Entitlement.

So here in McAllen, we are taking the brunt of illegal immigrants coming in from all over the world, mostly from Central America. Our city has never had to deal with this problem in the past or has ever had the resources to deal with it. We have always lived as any other American city until now. 

Now, McAllen is having to accept thousands of illegal immigrants a day while immigration officials figure out how to handle the problem. McAllenoids never asked for this problem and don't want it but must deal with it out of humanitarian concerns. McAllen has bent over backwards to accommodate the immigrants that immigration officials have dumped on us. As US citizens and tax payers, we are watching as our tax dollars are being spent to take care of these people and hoping the feds will reimburse us as they promised. (You know that has gone in the past).

I'm all for for humanitarian aid but I recently learned from an acquaintance that volunteers at the respite center that the immigrants who are are being detained for violating US law are now complaining about the food they are being fed and demanding native food and better housing conditions. They are also being picky about the free clothes as they prefer modern name brand clothes. Really?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. These people who violated our immigration laws are now complaining about the free food they are being fed, complaining about having to stay in free safe clean housing and not being able to roam freely. The free food they receive now is being prepared by unpaid volunteers with donated food in a government owned facility with security and all the required amenities according to US safety and health laws. They are complaining about the soggy bologna and cheese sandwiches and not getting the rice, beans, and meat their culture is used to and crying foul? 

McAllen and most other communities in the Rio Grande Valley don't want this burden but willing to help out of humanitarian reasons even though we don't have the resources or money to do so. We sacrificed but then are criticized for our efforts as not being to the highest standards. The city of Donna, TX with only a population of around 16,000 has set up a tent city for immigrants with a US standard of care. Complaints of inhumane treatment and degrading housing conditions are now being made by Dems and liberals as well as the immigrants.  

Wait just one damn minute! I and many other of my fellow military service members have lived in tents in freezing and scorching heat areas of operations around the world with no complaints or opposition from dems or liberals but now, illegal immigrants must be treated to a higher standard than our own US troops? 

Military GP Medium. Dirt floor, no AC/heat or amenities.

Privacy, AC, paved floor, and many amenities for illegal aliens. Free food, legal advice, medical care, clothing, showers, bus tickets, etc. waiting to take advantage of our generosity. This facility is not good enough and considered inhumane by many Americans.

Even US prisoners don't have the luxuries illegal immigrants get but yet, politicians, social justice warriors and liberals keep calling fowl. This is a problem dumped on our community by outdated federal laws and now being used as a political weapon rather than being fixed.

Quit trying to politicize the issue and make a true hearted and legal effort to fix this problem rather than place blame! And also, quit criticizing our home with preconceived notions about us. We are as American as you are!

Blessed be unto you.


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