Friday, May 10, 2019

Political Definition of Illegal Aliens.

Needless to say that much has been said about the immigrants flooding our country and draining our humanitarian as well as our financial resources in McAllen and all along our southwest border. As my R&R readers know by now. I live in ground zero of this political and humanitarian mess that affects our quality of life, social life, ethical beliefs, and political standings. 

Most people up north and around the world have chosen their stand and decided to judge us in the RGV basing their point solely on their opinion without any consideration of what they would do if they were in our position. While they adamantly make their stand, I can reasonably assume they take absolutely no consideration for long term affects nor unintended consequences on their decisions as we have had to make in the past.

To start with, decision makers in our government cannot even agree on what the current situation should be considered. Is it a humanitarian crisis? Is it an immigrant influx? Is it a refugee problem? or how about the earth muffins who just believe in F**k it, just let everyone in. Or, could it be a simple case of  "if we let then all in, they'll vote for my party?

The US and most other countries have strict policy and laws about illegal immigration, with Mexico's being one of the strictest, yet, they refuse to enforce it and allow immigrants through their country so they don't have to deal with it and let the US spend the money and force to expend our resources so they don't have to. They readily look the other way and in most cases allow the the cartels and gangs to facilitate the smuggling efforts to avoid the headache of spending money on illegal immigrants.

Can we for just a few moments put politics aside and look at the real problem rather than assigning blame to a political agenda? People including children are dying in this immigration process. Must you assign blame solely on your political agenda just because you hate President Trump? For your information, the three most countries responsible for our border problems are El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Three of the poorest and most dangerous countries in Central America are causing this problem but our government has made absolutely no effort to address or even acknowledge the cause. Why are they in that condition? Simply put, they have succumbed to corruption by criminal gangs and the cartels which they chose to profit from rather than eliminate.

These three countries are run by despots actively making a concerted effort to get rid of their poor, criminals, and social dependents. What better way to getting rid of their unwanted natives but to encourage them to flee to the US knowing damn well outdated and US legal loopholes have no choice but to accept their unwanted "asylum seekers" which they encouraged to leave? Gang members and cartels were more than willing to accommodate the government for a profit so the government will no longer have to support them.

Today, some US politicians call the immigrants, asylum seekers, others call them undocumented immigrants, immigrant workers, yet, others call them illegal aliens, and others call them undocumented aliens. So what is the correct term? The correct term by today's standard seems to be what political stand YOU take and not the legal US definition of "Illegal Alien". They are by definition, aliens of our country and they entered our country illegally. If you take a political correctness stand, they are referred to as "undocumented aliens". If you are a Democrat or Left Winger" you will refer to them as "asylum seekers'. If you are a Christian zealot, you will refer to them as "humans in need of help". If you are a humanist, you refer to them as just plain immigrants.

I call them illegal aliens because they are aliens and they entered our country illegally. Now, if they enter our country legally, apply for citizenship, assimilate into our society and contribute to our country, I will call them Americans.

Regardless of what you call them and consider yourself an American, they violated US sovereign law and entered the our country illegally. Once in, they do not pay income taxes, they send our money out of our country, violate US laws without regard or punishment, and on some cases vote and commit fraud without regard for our laws.

US employers hire them as cheap labor with no regard for their basic human rights to take advantage of tax and wage laws and not to mention pretending to knowing of sex trafficking and child sex abuse.  Abuse of these desperate people is rampant in our country but yet Americans take a political party stance, politically correct stance, or personal moral stand on the issue to satisfy their their belief system rather than accept US law because it makes them feel better or it they choose to disregard our current law just to oppose our president out of spite so they can see themselves in the right.

You haters have never had to pull a dead two week old floating body from the Rio Grande River or collected the dried out bones of a teenager from a scorching hot south Texas ranch in summer with no ID on the body. You cannot fathom being held in a filthy scorching stash house with no food or water in deplorable conditions while being abused and extorted. You haters can never relate with being led down desolate ranch trails in 100 degree temperatures by greedy coyotes, drinking water out of cattle tanks and being raped. You won't take consideration the deplorable conditions of being transported in stifling hot trailers and containers with no food or water for days and watching your family members die from exhaustion. 

Look at the body. That was somebody's daughter. She died seeking a better life. What's your belief on her destiny? Political, legal, ethical, religious, moral, or humanist?

A typical remote Brooks County ranch find. Is this the way to die because of politics?

Most haters would rather place the blame on politicians, social justice, our laws, or personal stances. What will you choose?  This is my home. I live it daily, and it was my job to deal with. I have peace with my decision, Do you?

The video below is an example of what my post explains. This Democrat politicians only wants to hear her definition of "illegal" just so she can make her political point. What about the human point? 

ICE Official has to explain to Democrat what"Illegal" means

Now the politically correct "asylum seekers issue"  is polarizing our city government elections because of the illegal alien problem which I have dealt with for the the for the last 10 years from all perspectives. As city elections are now at hand, I must make a decision on my vote but I must make the difficult decision which is best for McAllen based on my knowledge of the issue and my personal stance of what each candidate stands on. The incumbent John Ingram is now being accused by an opponent of turning our McAllen into an asylum city and using that as political platform. I know and respect both candidates. I have the utmost respect for the Wilkins family which I have known for many years and although I do not know the Ingram family, they have served our city well since 2014 and have done many great things for McAllen. In here lies the dilemma. I do not agree with either candidate because of my background knowledge of the real problem and my impartiality. 

Why must I choose a side on their personal perspective on the illegal alien problem we face on a daily basis over their political gain while the real problem at hand is not being addressed at the federal level where it should be addressed on a truly ethical and moral standard?  In the mean time, our city has been over burdened with paying out our tax money to accommodate these illegal aliens and providing facilities, transportation costs, food, clothing, and legal help in the hope the feds will reimburse our expenses which was originally meant for our city.

Other detainees being held in the Rio Grande Valley for illegally crossing our borders are now refusing our donated food because they claim it is crap and demanding real food of prepared rice, beans and meat. It's just a matter of time before the ACLU steps in and make us pay out of our pockets for steak, baked potatoes, and veggies for them. Of course, God forbid, we should ever have that privilege.

I doubt we'll ever see that reimbursement money and our McAllen will have to suck up the loss on a problem many citizens do not agree with. Not only McAllen, but every south western state suffering along the border. 

You yanks who think its not your problem and all ours, wait till they get to your state after the feds make us release them to your state. Not so funny then huh?

Love ya'll from Texas and bless your hearts.


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