Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Emotion Over Law Riot

Heads up readers, by continuing to read the rest of this post, you agree to read the following post as one of my Riot posts. My Riot posts are based on my military and law enforcement training and background as well as my personal experiences defending our country, borders, and all enemies, foreign and domestic.  If this post offends you, it is probably because you have unknowingly succumbed to liberal political correctness, humanism, leftist political influence, and have forgotten what being a true American is all about.

To start with, the America we live in today is NOT the same America our forefathers helped create. There is absolutely no proof or evidence that America is the greatest country in the world. Our forefathers built this country with sweat, blood, and tears. We have taken that for granted and turned our country into a wuss country determined to make everyone’s life cushy, comfortable, and coddled by our government into an attempt to enrich everyone’s life without any effort on our part.

Snowflakes, millennials, socialists, and now members of the Democratic party are willing to give in to everyone’s demands in an effort to gain votes for power.

Americans have been reprogrammed to vote on emotion rather than logic or US law. 

Americans protest defense and security spending for the US but oblivious about spending on illegal immigration and the benefits, care and security spent on illegal immigrants. Americans then complain of tax increases and reduced income tax returns. 

So, how does all this tie into my point of the mass illegal problem at our border that is my main focus? Well, let’s start with US law and how Democrats, liberals, and the media is spinning the news for their gain. Take any news report from any news media outlet on the current mass “asylum seekers” that CNN, NBC, or any other news media outlet is reporting on these days. The current mass migration is being reported as the Republicans’ and Trump’s fault, it is mostly displayed by reporting the family separations, caging of people, immigrant deaths in US custody, deportations, and any other negative perspective to make the current administration look bad. Is it really reported to make a change? NO! it's reported in an effort to influence you into voting for those who are determined to make President Trump look bad.

They offer no solutions to fix the problem but keep screaming immigration reform and blame Trump when the real problem arose during the Bush and Obama administrations. I saw it first hand living along the border working at a US Border Patrol station. You won’t hear of that in the media.

I remember spending my entire shifts processing reports on illegal aliens from all over the world instead of processing my primary mission of reporting illegal narcotics, weapons, dangerous gang members, currency seizures that affected US security and international law. Even threats of potential terrorist activity on our border had to take a lower priority over violation of US law and sovereignty even when it was being trampled on by the thousands every day. Why? One word, politics! It is NOT about helping the downtrodden humanitarian help, it’s about votes. Check your emotions and how you vote.

The political correctness and Kumbaya feelgood, do good warm fuzzy feeling, appealing to your emotions being pedaled by Democrats and leftists has taken hold and other countries and immigrants are taking full advantage of it by gaming our antiquated policies and draining our resources. Many Americans refuse to accept that because they are so absorbed with doing what THEY feel is the right thing to do and ignoring US law. The same law that every other sovereign country in the world upholds regarding illegal immigration, we are voting to ignore and now place blame on one person to take our focus away from the problem at hand.

I will not blame only the Democrats on this issue. Both parties have struggled with this issue for decades but neither party has made any significant changes to fix the problem of illegal immigration nor the exploited loopholes and unintended consequences that are now affecting our country in a negative way.

As a veteran and US citizen who has served our country for 21 years, a civic leader, business owner, and world traveler, I can honestly say from experience that as an American, I am not entitled to the same benefits as an illegal immigrant who violated US law has today. 
Many other struggling Americans don’t have those same benefits. Why? Even though they are denied those benefits by no fault of their own, they do not qualify and sometimes because of the same laws that benefit non US citizens. In many cases, there are US laws that screw US citizens, be it tax laws, divorce laws, real estate laws and even VA laws that put US citizens in dire straits or on the streets. Yet, illegal aliens with no vetting or rights are allowed into our country with benefits and told to report back in a year to process their residency hearing. Yeah, right!

I, as a veteran was denied any benefits for 12 years but still chose to continue serving my country on a border security mission to defend our country. During those 12 years, I watched as illegal aliens by the thousands got benefit after benefit that I and many other American veterans were denied. Chew on that for a bit.

I finally got accepted by the VA in 2018 and now in the process of applying for my benefits but the red tape is more difficult than the immigrants’ residency or asylum application. Go figure.

So, if we continue with the current submission to our immigrants’ and asylum seeker problem, where will we be a couple of years from now? Well, let’s look at a few of the histories of other countries we refuse to learn from. I met a Swiss couple at our church who was travelling the US for six months. I befriended them and later learned that Switzerland had fallen for the total humanitarian effort from their liberal government who wanted to “do the right thing”. Once the African families back in Africa found out about the right things to say to Swiss border guards, the Africans came in droves to the point of Switzerland was being overrun by Africans who later demanded their African rights and created a revolt against the Swiss who were trying to convert Switzerland into African culture by demanding native signage, religion, laws, and other compliances. 

Switzerland eventually had to put a stop to immigration. Austria, same thing. France had to ban burkas and head coverings, the Muslims protested and caused riots. Germany allowed Syrians into their country who then almost immediately started committing rapes and even burning down their own government provided temporary housing in protest of their denial of their Muslim lifestyles and later tried to implement Sharia law in Germany. Sweden is the latest country who tried to do the right humanitarian effort thing only to being forced to stop Syrian immigration due to the massive influx that drained almost all their resources allocated for immigrants’ accommodations and demands.

Here's what I observed while working the border. Not every "asylum seeker" and immigrant comes to the US from Central America with a regurgitated sob story of certain death if they are returned to their native country. At one point during my duties on border security, I observed that immigrants from many other countries around the world used Mexico as a gateway to an easy entrance into the US. There were some immigrants from countries I had never even heard of and had to Google the countries they came from before I processed the reports. I remember even Canadians and people from Equatorial Guinea and Burkina Faso people were being detained at our southern border. How about Eswatini? How the heck are we supposed to know how these people are legit asylum seekers or terrorists with malintent? 

Why then, is the US still not learning from others’ mistakes? My opinion from being on the inside, Americans make decisions based on emotion rather the logic or law. Politicians are making laws to appease the voters, not so much for the interest of our country, but for votes. It’s not all their fault, we demand it and they gain from it in one way or another.

Today is May 7, 2019 and over 2,400 “asylum seekers’ and illegal immigrants from eight countries turned themselves in or were caught last week in only three counties of south Texas alone. If the current trend continues as it has, that number will exceed the numbers from the massive 2014 immigrant influx. From my experience, that number will increase this summer and surpass to 2014 numbers by at least 5,000 per week in just my sector. Keep posted to see if my prediction is right.

Some of those immigrants will die en route to the northern US or in the south Texas border counties of Willacy and Brooks counties from the unforgiving summer heat. I know because one of my duties was to keep track of the heat related deaths in the south Texas ranch lands. 

Before the hate comes, I just want to state that I am not a hater and am for legal immigration for all. I just ask for conformance to US law and assimilation into US culture. I’m OK with acceptance of other cultures, races and religions as long as they don’t demand Americans conform or submit to their beliefs or their native or religious laws.

If I go into your home, I will live by your rules and respect them. If it offends me or I disagree, I will leave in peace. If I accept you into my home, you live by my rules and respect them. If you don’t like them or disagree, leave in peace. I won’t force you, don’t force me.

Next week, "Who's to Blame For This Mess?"


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