Saturday, June 1, 2019

Tariffs on Mexico

Yeah, so President Trump is now employing tariffs on all Mexican imports to try to persuade Mexico to stop the influx of immigrants. Right. Although I support president Trump, I, believe his tariff policy will hurt the US more than he believes it will help the US. Being a border resident, I know that the economy along the border is so great because of our proximity to the Mexican border. Our economy and quality of life is more dependent on trade with Mexico more than it is tied to the US economy. When the US economy suffers a loss, we along the border don’t feel it much whether it be a recession or inflation because of our Mexican neighbors and economy.

Trump’s new tariffs will hurt Americans more than it will hurt the Mexicans. Americans will only see higher prii\ces by Mexico raising their prices in accordance to the tariffs. Americans will see higher prices along many products but not only Mexican imports but even American products and services made and produced in Mexico.

Living along the border, I live among many Americans who work in Mexico in accordance with the NAFTA agreement and produce American products made in Mexico. With Trumps tariffs, I will now have to pay more for American products and services and my community must suffer with higher prices too.

This is Trumps effort to persuade Mexico to crack down on the immigration problem. President Trump wants to make Mexico help stop illegal immigration from their southern border but tariffs will not stop problem as long as they are profitting from the issue. 

As long as the cartels and the the government are profitting, The government will not curtail the immigration problem. This not an immigration problem, this is a profit issue. Mexico doesn't care about the US's "Asylum problem". while the US is so willing to send so many millions of US Dollars to Mexico for marijuana. 

So basically, we are telling Mexico, We don't want to allow all the immigrants to  enter our country through Mexico but keep sending us your marijuana. We're going to keep sending you the $ for weed but stop the flow of asylum seekers or we'll place tariffs on for and ruin our own economy.
Mexico is basically telling the US, *FU*, if you place tarrifs, we'll just raise prices and make Americans pay more for Guac, and everything you hold dear.

I totally agree that Mexico has an illegal immigration problem they have to deal with but Mexico does not have the financial resources to do so nor the manpower to deal with the problem.

I will put my neck on the line here based on my research to say that Mexico will not make that effort because Mexico is profiting from the immigration chaos and is not willing to take that profit loss. It is well known that the Mexican drug cartels are profiting from human smuggling and the profits are trickling down to government officials. That is not a secret.

I am not the only person who knows this. As long as the Mexican government is profiting, they will do absolutely nothing to stem the flow of illegal immigration.

Let’s look at this from another standpoint. If the US cannot stop the mass migration of people, how can the Mexican government do it? They can’t. They just don’t have the resources or money and they are not willing to make the effort while they still believe that the US can absorb the cost of taking care of the immigrants.

So, Mexico will do everything to avoid losing money in trade with the US. They will place their own tariffs, taxes, and trade fees to cover their losses which will only raise prices in the US especially along our US cities along the border that depend on Mexico. Imagine paying five more Dollars for guacamole and four more on taco Tuesday. This cannot happen. We as Americans will have to pay the price and our government will NOT bail us out or cover our losses.

Only congress can help avoid this problem but they refuse to do so because their only concern is to impeach President Trump. The real problem is the outdated and poorly worded asylum problem which every immigrant is taking advantage of and using our own laws against us.

I ask that you wake up and see how our own government’s laws are being used against us to use as a weapon against our president. Please do not use this problem as a political tool to use against our president, Our tax money, yours and mine is being wasted to take care of and coddle people who are taking advantage of our generosity. Please don’t use this a political weapon.

I’m all for legal immigration but all I ask is that you look at the real problem I worked so hard to fix. This immigration problem is a humanitarian issue, the Mexican drug cartels, Mexican government and many more others are profiting from this problem. Addressing this from a political point of view will never produces a solution.

I get it if you hate Trump and want see him impeached but even that will never fix the problem he have at hand. These are human lives at risk. We are a sovereign country with laws. Every other sovereign country in the world enforces those laws but we are being guilted to put those laws aside only to make our president look like a hateful criminal. What does that say about us?

Can we as Americans put politics aside and create a solution to fix a human issue rather then create a political issue to make our president look like the problem because of a personal view?

Grow the fuck up, people are dying and our sovereign laws are being violated for profit by souless profiteers.


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