Monday, July 1, 2019

It's All About Politics!

Deaths in ICE detention centers. That's what's making all the news.

Oh boy, the Democrats and liberals love to focus and make these deaths in ICE detention centers the main focus of mainstream media. What you liberal and anti Trump readers refuse to accept is that those unfortunate deaths are not the fault of ICE, Border Patrol, US Policy, or local authorities.

Those deaths are ONLY being focused on for the sole purpose of Democrats and liberals making President Trump look bad in the world's eye because ousting Trump is their main agenda. They couldn't care less about doing the jobs they were elected for, they're main focus is to trash President Trump in an effort to gain power of the House and Senate, that's all.

They don't give a flying f**K about the immigrants or so called "asylum seekers", which is a term they coined. They don't care about the "deplorable conditions" the asylum seekers are being held in, Hell, Demos and liberals were the one who approved those facilities under the Obama administration because they didn't want to spend more for federal standards.

Democrats stated that detention centers were only to be designed to hold 20 to 30 year old Mexican male detainees who were a potential threat to the US. At the time the detention facilities were built, they designed to up 1,000 males as outlined by US Congress. There was never any mention of women, children, advanced healthcare, or transportation to other US locations much less funding for those things.

I believe that that once the illegal immigration and mass caravans started, the Democrats saw a ripe opportunity to use that as a tool to turn the American people and the world against Trump to take back Congress and the House solely to take power of the US Government. Once in power, they would appeal to the immigrants they claimed to allow in to keep them in power.

Now, because of Mexican Cartel influence and Central American corruption, illegal immigration to the US is rampant and out of control, The Democratic Party and liberal anti-Trump haters are using the the media who has their own anti-Trump agenda to spread their lies.

I was born along the border, raised on the border. The border is my home! I've worked in border security under Bush, Obama, and Trump. I've worked on the border in a military capacity, alongside USBP, ICE, and TXDPS. I've received training from DEA and other LEAs. I've been to Rio Grande river many times since I was a kid to 2017. I've dealt with illegal immigrants from almost every country south of the Texas border.

I've been to the detention centers and respite center in McAllen and I can tell you, what you see on the news is BULL SHIT! Blown out of proportion for strictly political reasons! Yes. Detainees have died in ICE custody but not one single death has been attributed to custody. All deaths have been the result of illnesses or conditions contracted before the victims entered the US. US detention facilities are not designed or equipped to handle illnesses of the nature the victims suffered from. Those facilities are designed to detain the illegal immigrants and criminal elements that the US Congress approved at the time.

Now, Democrats, Congress, Americans, and the world are slamming ICE, US Border Patrol, Local LEAs for mistreating "asylum seekers" and "immigrants" under deplorable conditions and separating children from parents. If you fools only knew that US Congress forced that regulation on ICE to prevent child sex abuse and sex trade. US and even Mexican officials have verified that cartels and sex traffickers are posing as fathers and relatives of young girls being smuggled into the US for the purpose of the sex trade for profit.

I will state this one last time on this post but will again on other posts. Democrats and liberals are NOT concerning themselves with underage sex trade or criminal immigrants. They are laser focused on making President Trump look bad and gaining control of our government for full control of their agenda for their gain.

Screenshot my posts since I don't know when which one may be my last.


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