Friday, May 24, 2019

White Guy Riot Post

Here is my white privilege RIOT post.

As most of my R&R readers know, I am a Hispanic male but often mistaken as an Anglo because of my light completion and lack of a Hispanic accent. I enjoy making light of this fact and take every advantage of this benefit for humorous purposes and getting away with any white privileges I can get away with.

Tonight I met a white guy from Michigan who moved to McAllen, TX. I started talking to him and he thought I was a white guy. After a while, he asked me.

Him: What about these Meskin people who consider themselves Mericans?

Me: We been here before you white folk were and when Texas was Tejas. Where you from?

Him: Germany

Me: I be like:

Chinese Tariffs Rant

Our president has placed tariffs  on the Chinese. Why? Every year the US has lost billions on dollars on Chinese imports due to our to trade import agreement. That means that China is is importing their products to the US at a way way lower price than than the US agreed to. Inititially, it seemed like a good deal, We paid the the Chinese X amount of dollars and they would send us send us cheap crap. The US government at the time time thought we got the upper good deal and took the offer and ran with it.

Now here we are and realizing that we were being ripped off by the Chinese. They were buying all of of our steel, and stealing our intellectual properties and reselling it all back to us for a profit. They were creating pollution creation factories with the intent to sell them to the US for getting carbon credits under the the USs' "green house laws".

China has absolutely no intention of following any laws created for the anti global warming movement, they are in it only for profit and the US and other countries have no option but to follow the accord and pay China for selling their global footprint.

My question to you. What does China as a country produce or contribute to the benefit of our economy or humanity? What is a truly Chinese made product? What is a true Chinese product that contributes to human society, service, or society? Most, if not all, of their products are cheap worthless reproductions others' products, knockoffs, or worthless trinkets of no value. China is world known for intellectual property theft, copyright infringement, and dangerous reproductions created solely for the purpose of profit. How many Chinese products have been recalled because of dangerous ingredients, chemicals, or components have we seen?

Answer this question. What does China actually produce as a truly Chinese country? Not much as a country other than cheap imitations of others' countries products and intellectual property theft. Can you name one product , service, or trade that is truly Chinese made that brings value to our culture or our economy?

So, our president intends to place tariffs on this country to stop our BILLIONS dollars losses in our trade deficit. As of now, the leftists, Dems and liberals are crying foul and claiming how it will affect our businesses negatively but never is no mention of how much we will gain later.. The US is literally losing BILLIONS of your dollars on this shitty trade deal but you have no problem because you can buy your crap cheaper than cheap Chinese made shit over better US made products at WalMart but then have the gall to bitch about Trump's Chinese tariffs to stop the injustice. Explain that to me you Uber American patriot!

Theses tariffs are are not about screwing Americans, they are about getting even with the Chinese who have been screwing us for the past 50 years with deceiving us with lower prices.

In my REASON rant, people who are hating on our president for the Chinese tariffs, are really protesting against Trump out of hatred and against American interests and only looking out for their own personal gain. I, as an American, am willing to make a personal financial sacrifice if it will make a future gain for my country, even if it takes a political vote outside of my personal beliefs!

My Country First. I Took The Oath.


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Labels Rant

As a conservative Christian Constitutionalist and 21 year Army veteran who has spent most of my adult life defending and upholding our freedoms, constitution, and civil rights, I find it extremely offensive when I get called out as an “anti- American” because of my personal or  political views.

What I have observed in past couple of years from the extreme liberals and social justice warriors is the liberals’ and media’s intentional misuse of labels placed on people that liberals, Democrats, and social justice warriors and even millennials with very little to no knowledge of America’s history, struggles, or socials ills have given themselves the right to judge me or anyone else with any belief system other than their own.

By doing so, they have made themselves, the judge, jury, and executioner and given themselves the right to point their fingers at us and say “You see, you are anti American”!

The labels I am referring to are what liberal zealots (a true description by definition), are pinning on us Christian, conservative presidential supporters with inaccurate labels in an effort to make us look like haters in others’ eyes in the hopes of gaining support for their own political agenda or personal views.

The labels they are placing on us are strictly intended to try to make their political opponents (conservatives), seem like people who are using their personal belief system to divide Americans while their purpose is really to dividing Americans into an us against them mentality. The problem is that those same people are claiming allegiance to democracy and equality but by their very efforts are creating the chasm that is dividing Americans.

Let me break this down for you dummy style whether you are liberal, conservative, Republican or Democrat. Christian, Atheist, Muslim, or Agnostic. We are Americans and I have equal respect or all, but just because I may not agree with your beliefs, I still accept them and don’t hate them but I am now labeled as “anti-semite”. I don’t hate gays, immigrants, nor people from any other race or culture but because of my support for president Trump, liberals and Democrats have labeled me as “homophobic” against Mexicans even though I am Hispanic married to an Anglo making my kids biracial, but yet I and my children have labels put on on us for political reasons.

The last 10 years of my service to country was in border security but, because I helped in stopping the illegal immigration into our country, to include the apprehension of criminals and terrorists, I was labeled as “racist”.

If I make any statement agreeing with President Trump, yet another label is placed on me, “anti- American”. If I choose my American given right to wear a MAGA hat that I served for the right to defend, I might get assaulted in my own country. WTF? Where is the hate coming from now?

These liberal MFs truly believe they have the fu(|{1Ng God giving right to put an inaccurate label on me because our belief system is different than theirs just to make us look like haters so they can try to get more votes for their political party? Really? That is NOT the system our political system was based on created by our founding fathers. We are all Americans, we vote and who ever wins, wins based on our votes. Just because you don’t like the winning party does NOT give you the right to trash to disparage and accuse the victor. Suck it up snowflakes!

I, as many other of my fellow service members and Christians couldn’t stand the fact that Clinton and Obama won the elections but we sucked it up and followed their orders and direction as Americans because we were loyal to our country, not a certain politician. Do the same and quit trying to undermine our system we all claim to stand for. Quit your damn pu$$y whining and accept the situation, we are all in as Americans!

Want to challenge me on politics? Let’s go. Answer me this. As a career military person, why is that every year a Democrat president was in office, we didn’t get a pay raise even though all other government workers did? Why is it the very time a Republican president was in office, we got a pay raise? Did you get a raise or not during those administrations? If you didn't get a pay raise, why did conservatives not hear your gripes and complaints? You got your politicians in office didn't you?

Now, everybody is trying to point out president Trump for getting lower tax refunds and accusing him of all kinds of crap but no one has mentioned the fact that the reason for lower tax refunds is that you got to keep most of your money in the previous year with lower taxes. No one mentioned that the unemployment rate dropped to a long time low. 

A label was soon placed on Trump by Democrats and liberals, “greedy”.

Let’s go over some definitions for clarity here according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. These are some of the most commonly used labels liberals and other media pundits like to use against anyone who do not agree with their politics.

Homophobic: An irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.

A term improperly and constantly misused by liberals to label people as anyone who discriminates against any race, gender, orientation, culture, or nationality.

I am considered a homophobic because I asked to be reassigned a seat on a bus because the passenger seated next to me smelled like rotten eggs, sweat, and fecal matter. Everyone thought I didn’t want to sit next to him because he happened to be Muslim, I was now labeled as homophobic by a liberal passenger.  

I have gay friends and relatives I fully accept without question. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

Haters defaced an accepting church claiming hatred towards gays. Not the case. Just vandalism to make their personal point.

Anti Semite: hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.

As a Christian, it is my duty to stand for and defend Jews. I have Jewish friends and firmly believe in their faith. I claim no Jewish privilege. My immediate family is a mixed race family with no racial issues or faith discriminators. As a world traveler, I celebrate racial and faith diversity but I am labeled as an anti Semite because of my president who has Jewish roots and opposes illegal immigration.

Doesn't know why he hates Jews but pledges allegiance to Jesus Christ even though Jesus was a Jew. 

Racist: A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.

Again, my family is multi racial with no issues and total acceptance. My kids are biracial and have no issues even in other countries, only in the US. Race is a human construct and only made an issue when nationalism, skin color, or culture is applied. Most Americans don’t understand the true definitions of majority and minority as they apply to race and confuse the two as superior and inferior. In one state in a US community, I may be a minority but in my community in south Texas, a white Anglo Saxon will be the minority. Yet, I am considered a minority by most white liberals because I am Hispanic even though I am sometimes mistaken as “white” because of my Spanish lineage, then their attitude towards me changes.

Another immigrant to the US demanding all other immigrants leave "his" country because of his skin color because...Hitler.

So, What labels do you use and put on others? Do you place labels on others based on true definition or on your personal stance or political beliefs? Do you try to influence others to your personal belief system with labels?

Here's a funny question for you to chew on. Regarding this last racist white supremicist guy and his "brethren". Being that I am a Hispanic, you're demanding that I leave "Your" country. Uh, let me school you on a few facts before you swallow your pride..... My ancestors were born here before your white ass even thought about coming to this country. Just because you grand daddies came here and fired you guns against our arrows does not make this your country. We were her before you, and you cannot just tell me to leave. Let me ask you this, what country did you come from? Why did you leave your country? Was it because some other tyrants made you leave?  Now you come to my country and demand that I leave and claim it as your yours? What the hell gives you that right? If it is not of God, You are wrong, like it of not.

Peace out dudes.


Friday, May 17, 2019

Yet Another Immigrant Death. Never Mind Another American Death.

The media has been blasting the death of yet another immigrant child death while in custody of US immigration officials. Oh what juicy news to use president Trump look like a cruel dictator! The media has made the story a top priority to further their efforts of making our president look like a cruel hater for the sole purpose of furthering their political agenda. I won't mention their ultimate goal for their reasons and let you decide.

So let's break these children's deaths in US custody situation down from both a legal and political standpoints. Let's start with the most recent death of A 2 1/2-year-old Guatemalan boy who died from of Pneumonia complications while in custody after illegally crossing the border. Upon arriving, his mother stated to officials that his son was ill. US officials took the appropriate measures and treated the child accordingly according to regulation and US Law.

The mother and child were released but the child later died. Two days after he and his mother were released, the child died due to complications. In this case and in previous cases, the children were sick before they entered the US and were not afforded any medical care by Mexico during their travels and arrived in the US before any viable treatment could have been given to the child. Any prior treatment would have spared their precious lives. That child's death is now being blamed on the US because Trump is the president. 

Even US military vets such as myself and criminals aren't afforded such care in many cases but people who enter our country illegally get that kind of immediate care. I'm a 21 year Army vet waiting 3 months just for an eye exam! Shit, why wouldn't they want to come here? Especially while their home countries and Mexico and profiting from the mass exodus?

Once in the US, officials took all measure to provide the child with any and all necessary medical care but unfortunately, it was to late. The child's condition was to far gone and unfortunately died. Yet, all US laws were followed and adhered to for medical and humanitarian treatment for those in need regardless of status yet these stories are presented in a way to place the blame on executive policy or labelled as "homophobic, hatred or discrimination" policies implemented by our current president

Nothing is ever mentioned about the immigration laws implemented by the previous administration that were set as law. (Wonder Why)?

How does that help the immigrants in our government's care? That is the politics we see presented by the media everyday intended to redirect our views to a socialist standpoint that they will benefit from.

This is where Trump haters took up their torches and pitchforks and made their rally call to make Trump like he personally killed those children with his bare hands, policies, and intents. Not one Trump hater, reporter, or leftist has made any effort to show that the US Border Patrol, CBP officer, border law enforcement officials, or boots on the ground at our borders has saved more lives than any other agency in our country. Why do you think that is?

Now, let's look at the immigration situation from a legal standpoint. As an American reader, I'll assume you believe in our US Constitution and US laws. If you say you do, then you must agree that the US is a sovereign country that enforces US immigration and border laws as any other sovereign country in the world does without question. If you do, you must also agree that our immigration laws are being violated every day by an unprecedented number of ways never seen before by the US by people from various countries who cannot be vetted and who can likely be a threat to our very being as a peaceful nation. But, by accepting, you must also accept the fact that there are those "immigrants" who are "seeking asylum" with the ulterior motive to influence or destroy our way of life by exploiting our very weak laws to enter our country.

Every country has it's laws and it's politics. Look at every country that has ethical problems today. They have either chosen the politics or legal way to run their country. It's quite plain to see that that the countries in dire straits now have chosen politics over law which later created ethical and humanitarian problems which they are now having to deal with and dividing their countries.

Below are a couple of links to other countries problems dealing with the same problem we face on a similar scale. Why do we refuse to learn from history or others regardless of race or culture? Is it because we think we know better because we are Americans?
Please note that Sweden has a Socialist Democratic government.
Germany forms a liberal immigration policy which backfires.
A conservative Democratic country going Islamic because of liberal acceptance?
Texas border video

Modern thought of liberalism and total acceptance and inclusions based on personal standards over our societal foundation which made us unique will destroy any society. 

Choose wisely.


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Now Mexico is Cooperating?

Mexico is now taking action to help stop the illegal immigration problem that is affecting my community and the rest of the US. Why now? because it is affecting them financially.

Mexicans are now calling on their government because they are personally feeling the effects of illegal immigration. At first, they couldn't care less because they were only passing of the problem to the US and in many cases, profiting from the migrants.

Now that they are feeling the negative effects we have endured for many years, they are now demanding action from the Mexican government. Below is a new YouTube video a McAllen respite center volunteer gave me a heads up on.

Make your decision, humanitarian, politics, legal, or an ethical problem. Make your decision and stick to it but just make sure your decision is not based on what what is solely convenient for your conscience. This is a problem that transcends all the above issues. 

I am an American sworn to defend our country and I will do so. As a Christian, I must help the lesser of my brothers and I will do so, as a law enforcement worker, I must enforce man's law and I did.

What was must be taken into consideration is the deceit of politics, human nature, and personal gain of unscrupulous profiteers.  


Friday, May 10, 2019

Alien Entitlement.

So here in McAllen, we are taking the brunt of illegal immigrants coming in from all over the world, mostly from Central America. Our city has never had to deal with this problem in the past or has ever had the resources to deal with it. We have always lived as any other American city until now. 

Now, McAllen is having to accept thousands of illegal immigrants a day while immigration officials figure out how to handle the problem. McAllenoids never asked for this problem and don't want it but must deal with it out of humanitarian concerns. McAllen has bent over backwards to accommodate the immigrants that immigration officials have dumped on us. As US citizens and tax payers, we are watching as our tax dollars are being spent to take care of these people and hoping the feds will reimburse us as they promised. (You know that has gone in the past).

I'm all for for humanitarian aid but I recently learned from an acquaintance that volunteers at the respite center that the immigrants who are are being detained for violating US law are now complaining about the food they are being fed and demanding native food and better housing conditions. They are also being picky about the free clothes as they prefer modern name brand clothes. Really?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. These people who violated our immigration laws are now complaining about the free food they are being fed, complaining about having to stay in free safe clean housing and not being able to roam freely. The free food they receive now is being prepared by unpaid volunteers with donated food in a government owned facility with security and all the required amenities according to US safety and health laws. They are complaining about the soggy bologna and cheese sandwiches and not getting the rice, beans, and meat their culture is used to and crying foul? 

McAllen and most other communities in the Rio Grande Valley don't want this burden but willing to help out of humanitarian reasons even though we don't have the resources or money to do so. We sacrificed but then are criticized for our efforts as not being to the highest standards. The city of Donna, TX with only a population of around 16,000 has set up a tent city for immigrants with a US standard of care. Complaints of inhumane treatment and degrading housing conditions are now being made by Dems and liberals as well as the immigrants.  

Wait just one damn minute! I and many other of my fellow military service members have lived in tents in freezing and scorching heat areas of operations around the world with no complaints or opposition from dems or liberals but now, illegal immigrants must be treated to a higher standard than our own US troops? 

Military GP Medium. Dirt floor, no AC/heat or amenities.

Privacy, AC, paved floor, and many amenities for illegal aliens. Free food, legal advice, medical care, clothing, showers, bus tickets, etc. waiting to take advantage of our generosity. This facility is not good enough and considered inhumane by many Americans.

Even US prisoners don't have the luxuries illegal immigrants get but yet, politicians, social justice warriors and liberals keep calling fowl. This is a problem dumped on our community by outdated federal laws and now being used as a political weapon rather than being fixed.

Quit trying to politicize the issue and make a true hearted and legal effort to fix this problem rather than place blame! And also, quit criticizing our home with preconceived notions about us. We are as American as you are!

Blessed be unto you.


Political Definition of Illegal Aliens.

Needless to say that much has been said about the immigrants flooding our country and draining our humanitarian as well as our financial resources in McAllen and all along our southwest border. As my R&R readers know by now. I live in ground zero of this political and humanitarian mess that affects our quality of life, social life, ethical beliefs, and political standings. 

Most people up north and around the world have chosen their stand and decided to judge us in the RGV basing their point solely on their opinion without any consideration of what they would do if they were in our position. While they adamantly make their stand, I can reasonably assume they take absolutely no consideration for long term affects nor unintended consequences on their decisions as we have had to make in the past.

To start with, decision makers in our government cannot even agree on what the current situation should be considered. Is it a humanitarian crisis? Is it an immigrant influx? Is it a refugee problem? or how about the earth muffins who just believe in F**k it, just let everyone in. Or, could it be a simple case of  "if we let then all in, they'll vote for my party?

The US and most other countries have strict policy and laws about illegal immigration, with Mexico's being one of the strictest, yet, they refuse to enforce it and allow immigrants through their country so they don't have to deal with it and let the US spend the money and force to expend our resources so they don't have to. They readily look the other way and in most cases allow the the cartels and gangs to facilitate the smuggling efforts to avoid the headache of spending money on illegal immigrants.

Can we for just a few moments put politics aside and look at the real problem rather than assigning blame to a political agenda? People including children are dying in this immigration process. Must you assign blame solely on your political agenda just because you hate President Trump? For your information, the three most countries responsible for our border problems are El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Three of the poorest and most dangerous countries in Central America are causing this problem but our government has made absolutely no effort to address or even acknowledge the cause. Why are they in that condition? Simply put, they have succumbed to corruption by criminal gangs and the cartels which they chose to profit from rather than eliminate.

These three countries are run by despots actively making a concerted effort to get rid of their poor, criminals, and social dependents. What better way to getting rid of their unwanted natives but to encourage them to flee to the US knowing damn well outdated and US legal loopholes have no choice but to accept their unwanted "asylum seekers" which they encouraged to leave? Gang members and cartels were more than willing to accommodate the government for a profit so the government will no longer have to support them.

Today, some US politicians call the immigrants, asylum seekers, others call them undocumented immigrants, immigrant workers, yet, others call them illegal aliens, and others call them undocumented aliens. So what is the correct term? The correct term by today's standard seems to be what political stand YOU take and not the legal US definition of "Illegal Alien". They are by definition, aliens of our country and they entered our country illegally. If you take a political correctness stand, they are referred to as "undocumented aliens". If you are a Democrat or Left Winger" you will refer to them as "asylum seekers'. If you are a Christian zealot, you will refer to them as "humans in need of help". If you are a humanist, you refer to them as just plain immigrants.

I call them illegal aliens because they are aliens and they entered our country illegally. Now, if they enter our country legally, apply for citizenship, assimilate into our society and contribute to our country, I will call them Americans.

Regardless of what you call them and consider yourself an American, they violated US sovereign law and entered the our country illegally. Once in, they do not pay income taxes, they send our money out of our country, violate US laws without regard or punishment, and on some cases vote and commit fraud without regard for our laws.

US employers hire them as cheap labor with no regard for their basic human rights to take advantage of tax and wage laws and not to mention pretending to knowing of sex trafficking and child sex abuse.  Abuse of these desperate people is rampant in our country but yet Americans take a political party stance, politically correct stance, or personal moral stand on the issue to satisfy their their belief system rather than accept US law because it makes them feel better or it they choose to disregard our current law just to oppose our president out of spite so they can see themselves in the right.

You haters have never had to pull a dead two week old floating body from the Rio Grande River or collected the dried out bones of a teenager from a scorching hot south Texas ranch in summer with no ID on the body. You cannot fathom being held in a filthy scorching stash house with no food or water in deplorable conditions while being abused and extorted. You haters can never relate with being led down desolate ranch trails in 100 degree temperatures by greedy coyotes, drinking water out of cattle tanks and being raped. You won't take consideration the deplorable conditions of being transported in stifling hot trailers and containers with no food or water for days and watching your family members die from exhaustion. 

Look at the body. That was somebody's daughter. She died seeking a better life. What's your belief on her destiny? Political, legal, ethical, religious, moral, or humanist?

A typical remote Brooks County ranch find. Is this the way to die because of politics?

Most haters would rather place the blame on politicians, social justice, our laws, or personal stances. What will you choose?  This is my home. I live it daily, and it was my job to deal with. I have peace with my decision, Do you?

The video below is an example of what my post explains. This Democrat politicians only wants to hear her definition of "illegal" just so she can make her political point. What about the human point? 

ICE Official has to explain to Democrat what"Illegal" means

Now the politically correct "asylum seekers issue"  is polarizing our city government elections because of the illegal alien problem which I have dealt with for the the for the last 10 years from all perspectives. As city elections are now at hand, I must make a decision on my vote but I must make the difficult decision which is best for McAllen based on my knowledge of the issue and my personal stance of what each candidate stands on. The incumbent John Ingram is now being accused by an opponent of turning our McAllen into an asylum city and using that as political platform. I know and respect both candidates. I have the utmost respect for the Wilkins family which I have known for many years and although I do not know the Ingram family, they have served our city well since 2014 and have done many great things for McAllen. In here lies the dilemma. I do not agree with either candidate because of my background knowledge of the real problem and my impartiality. 

Why must I choose a side on their personal perspective on the illegal alien problem we face on a daily basis over their political gain while the real problem at hand is not being addressed at the federal level where it should be addressed on a truly ethical and moral standard?  In the mean time, our city has been over burdened with paying out our tax money to accommodate these illegal aliens and providing facilities, transportation costs, food, clothing, and legal help in the hope the feds will reimburse our expenses which was originally meant for our city.

Other detainees being held in the Rio Grande Valley for illegally crossing our borders are now refusing our donated food because they claim it is crap and demanding real food of prepared rice, beans and meat. It's just a matter of time before the ACLU steps in and make us pay out of our pockets for steak, baked potatoes, and veggies for them. Of course, God forbid, we should ever have that privilege.

I doubt we'll ever see that reimbursement money and our McAllen will have to suck up the loss on a problem many citizens do not agree with. Not only McAllen, but every south western state suffering along the border. 

You yanks who think its not your problem and all ours, wait till they get to your state after the feds make us release them to your state. Not so funny then huh?

Love ya'll from Texas and bless your hearts.


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Emotion Over Law Riot

Heads up readers, by continuing to read the rest of this post, you agree to read the following post as one of my Riot posts. My Riot posts are based on my military and law enforcement training and background as well as my personal experiences defending our country, borders, and all enemies, foreign and domestic.  If this post offends you, it is probably because you have unknowingly succumbed to liberal political correctness, humanism, leftist political influence, and have forgotten what being a true American is all about.

To start with, the America we live in today is NOT the same America our forefathers helped create. There is absolutely no proof or evidence that America is the greatest country in the world. Our forefathers built this country with sweat, blood, and tears. We have taken that for granted and turned our country into a wuss country determined to make everyone’s life cushy, comfortable, and coddled by our government into an attempt to enrich everyone’s life without any effort on our part.

Snowflakes, millennials, socialists, and now members of the Democratic party are willing to give in to everyone’s demands in an effort to gain votes for power.

Americans have been reprogrammed to vote on emotion rather than logic or US law. 

Americans protest defense and security spending for the US but oblivious about spending on illegal immigration and the benefits, care and security spent on illegal immigrants. Americans then complain of tax increases and reduced income tax returns. 

So, how does all this tie into my point of the mass illegal problem at our border that is my main focus? Well, let’s start with US law and how Democrats, liberals, and the media is spinning the news for their gain. Take any news report from any news media outlet on the current mass “asylum seekers” that CNN, NBC, or any other news media outlet is reporting on these days. The current mass migration is being reported as the Republicans’ and Trump’s fault, it is mostly displayed by reporting the family separations, caging of people, immigrant deaths in US custody, deportations, and any other negative perspective to make the current administration look bad. Is it really reported to make a change? NO! it's reported in an effort to influence you into voting for those who are determined to make President Trump look bad.

They offer no solutions to fix the problem but keep screaming immigration reform and blame Trump when the real problem arose during the Bush and Obama administrations. I saw it first hand living along the border working at a US Border Patrol station. You won’t hear of that in the media.

I remember spending my entire shifts processing reports on illegal aliens from all over the world instead of processing my primary mission of reporting illegal narcotics, weapons, dangerous gang members, currency seizures that affected US security and international law. Even threats of potential terrorist activity on our border had to take a lower priority over violation of US law and sovereignty even when it was being trampled on by the thousands every day. Why? One word, politics! It is NOT about helping the downtrodden humanitarian help, it’s about votes. Check your emotions and how you vote.

The political correctness and Kumbaya feelgood, do good warm fuzzy feeling, appealing to your emotions being pedaled by Democrats and leftists has taken hold and other countries and immigrants are taking full advantage of it by gaming our antiquated policies and draining our resources. Many Americans refuse to accept that because they are so absorbed with doing what THEY feel is the right thing to do and ignoring US law. The same law that every other sovereign country in the world upholds regarding illegal immigration, we are voting to ignore and now place blame on one person to take our focus away from the problem at hand.

I will not blame only the Democrats on this issue. Both parties have struggled with this issue for decades but neither party has made any significant changes to fix the problem of illegal immigration nor the exploited loopholes and unintended consequences that are now affecting our country in a negative way.

As a veteran and US citizen who has served our country for 21 years, a civic leader, business owner, and world traveler, I can honestly say from experience that as an American, I am not entitled to the same benefits as an illegal immigrant who violated US law has today. 
Many other struggling Americans don’t have those same benefits. Why? Even though they are denied those benefits by no fault of their own, they do not qualify and sometimes because of the same laws that benefit non US citizens. In many cases, there are US laws that screw US citizens, be it tax laws, divorce laws, real estate laws and even VA laws that put US citizens in dire straits or on the streets. Yet, illegal aliens with no vetting or rights are allowed into our country with benefits and told to report back in a year to process their residency hearing. Yeah, right!

I, as a veteran was denied any benefits for 12 years but still chose to continue serving my country on a border security mission to defend our country. During those 12 years, I watched as illegal aliens by the thousands got benefit after benefit that I and many other American veterans were denied. Chew on that for a bit.

I finally got accepted by the VA in 2018 and now in the process of applying for my benefits but the red tape is more difficult than the immigrants’ residency or asylum application. Go figure.

So, if we continue with the current submission to our immigrants’ and asylum seeker problem, where will we be a couple of years from now? Well, let’s look at a few of the histories of other countries we refuse to learn from. I met a Swiss couple at our church who was travelling the US for six months. I befriended them and later learned that Switzerland had fallen for the total humanitarian effort from their liberal government who wanted to “do the right thing”. Once the African families back in Africa found out about the right things to say to Swiss border guards, the Africans came in droves to the point of Switzerland was being overrun by Africans who later demanded their African rights and created a revolt against the Swiss who were trying to convert Switzerland into African culture by demanding native signage, religion, laws, and other compliances. 

Switzerland eventually had to put a stop to immigration. Austria, same thing. France had to ban burkas and head coverings, the Muslims protested and caused riots. Germany allowed Syrians into their country who then almost immediately started committing rapes and even burning down their own government provided temporary housing in protest of their denial of their Muslim lifestyles and later tried to implement Sharia law in Germany. Sweden is the latest country who tried to do the right humanitarian effort thing only to being forced to stop Syrian immigration due to the massive influx that drained almost all their resources allocated for immigrants’ accommodations and demands.

Here's what I observed while working the border. Not every "asylum seeker" and immigrant comes to the US from Central America with a regurgitated sob story of certain death if they are returned to their native country. At one point during my duties on border security, I observed that immigrants from many other countries around the world used Mexico as a gateway to an easy entrance into the US. There were some immigrants from countries I had never even heard of and had to Google the countries they came from before I processed the reports. I remember even Canadians and people from Equatorial Guinea and Burkina Faso people were being detained at our southern border. How about Eswatini? How the heck are we supposed to know how these people are legit asylum seekers or terrorists with malintent? 

Why then, is the US still not learning from others’ mistakes? My opinion from being on the inside, Americans make decisions based on emotion rather the logic or law. Politicians are making laws to appease the voters, not so much for the interest of our country, but for votes. It’s not all their fault, we demand it and they gain from it in one way or another.

Today is May 7, 2019 and over 2,400 “asylum seekers’ and illegal immigrants from eight countries turned themselves in or were caught last week in only three counties of south Texas alone. If the current trend continues as it has, that number will exceed the numbers from the massive 2014 immigrant influx. From my experience, that number will increase this summer and surpass to 2014 numbers by at least 5,000 per week in just my sector. Keep posted to see if my prediction is right.

Some of those immigrants will die en route to the northern US or in the south Texas border counties of Willacy and Brooks counties from the unforgiving summer heat. I know because one of my duties was to keep track of the heat related deaths in the south Texas ranch lands. 

Before the hate comes, I just want to state that I am not a hater and am for legal immigration for all. I just ask for conformance to US law and assimilation into US culture. I’m OK with acceptance of other cultures, races and religions as long as they don’t demand Americans conform or submit to their beliefs or their native or religious laws.

If I go into your home, I will live by your rules and respect them. If it offends me or I disagree, I will leave in peace. If I accept you into my home, you live by my rules and respect them. If you don’t like them or disagree, leave in peace. I won’t force you, don’t force me.

Next week, "Who's to Blame For This Mess?"


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Having Fun With Mary Jane

Here is an essay I posted months ago that either got accidentally deleted by me or censored and removed by Google for key words or labeled as something Google din't agree with. It is an essay I wrote for a college class while I was working on a border security mission along the US-Mexico border. It is based on a true story but edited by my boss who is now the border security director for the great State of Texas.

Only specific locations, agencies and names have been edited but the plot and story line remains true. It also ties in nicely with my previous post titled "Mexican Cartel Business Models and Operations".

Here we go.

The War on Drugs is slowly starting rear its ugly head in American neighborhoods that have in the past been known as quaint and quiet settlements of peace and tranquility. Why now? What has changed that has caused the dread of drugs, violence, and gangs to invade the sanctity of our neighborhoods? In more ways than one, we have opened the door and in some cases, invited the beast in with our justification of our addiction to the very drugs that has already torn Mexico apart.

  It’s easy to condemn the violence in Mexico and blame it on various factors such as greed, addiction, corruption, and poverty. While these are important factors in the violence in Mexico, there must be a catalyst. Without oxygen, a fire cannot burn. While Mexico may be the fire, the US’s insatiable hunger for drugs is the oxygen providing the fuel for that fire. To add to the explosive equation, Americans’ sale of weapons to Mexicans for profit is the kindling we throw in the fire to keep it going.  American gun runners justify gun sales to Mexicans by telling themselves they are only conducting business and it’s not their business what the customer does with the guns. Even when, the seller knows that those guns are going into the hands of cartel members and will most likely kill many people. He has convinced himself that as long as he doesn’t hurt anyone, his hands are clean of the innocent blood that runs in the streets of Mexico.

  As Americans that live a pretty sheltered life compared to people in other countries, we tend to turn a blind eye to anything that we find offensive or may otherwise hurt us. Even the occasional recreation marijuana smoker who has convinced himself that marijuana is a harmless narcotic, has also convinced himself that it’s not his responsibility what happens before the marijuana get to him. To put things in to perspective, I find it moronic that Americans will protest, start movements, and boycott companies that sell jeans because the manufacturer they buy the jeans from exploit child slavery. They will gladly give up their name brand jeans so a child in Bangladesh doesn’t have to work for $5.00 a month in a sweatshop. Americans will boycott stores that sell products that harm an endangered lizard in some remote part of the world. They will gladly give up products that contribute to “global warming” in favor of a more expensive “green” item for the sake of environmentalism but will not give up their recreational drug because they have their rights and they’re “not hurting anyone”.

  The fact is Americans don’t want to know what happens once the marijuana plant is harvested. They’d rather believe that what happens in Mexico may not be morally right but they still have the right to smoke a “joint” when they feel like it. Besides, it’s easier to get stoned without knowing the death and destruction that has occurred in Mexico so they can numb their minds for a while.

  It has been determined that 90% of marijuana bought in the US is grown in Mexico which translates to about 60% of the profits that goes to only a few individuals within several cartels in Mexico. I also find it pathetic that Americans are on Wall Street protesting big business and government because of fiscal greed causing lower standards and conditions for lower class Americans but we have absolutely no problem stuffing our cash into cartel pockets and fueling the drug war in Mexico lowering the standards and conditions of Mexicans. If that seems pretty harsh, consider that the US accounts for 85% of the cartels’ overall business of narcotics in 2010. That overall “business” literally translates to virtual slavery, forced labor, threatened lives, families separated, risking life and limb to transport the narcotics, torture, extortion, kidnapping, getting shot, decapitated, burned alive, or killed. Being caught and jailed in the US is actually the preferred option. That means that we sent millions of dollars to Mexico each year to raise the standard of living for a few ruthless people and lower it for everyone else.

  In the Sierra Madre, The Tarahumara Indians who retreated from the Spaniards to the area have been especially hit hard by the cartel enforcers who have forced them into growing marijuana for the cartels instead of their traditional corn and other crops. Since the Tarahumara use no formal currency, they are only compensated with trinkets and allowed to live. Once the marijuana is harvested, it is processed by poor villagers who are often made to work under the watchful eyes of armed guards to prevent the theft of any marijuana. Stolen marijuana can earn them more if sold on the street than what they get paid, which is often in only food for the day. Workers who steal are killed or subject to torture in front of the other workers to discourage any more thefts. They are only paid in a day’s worth of food so they won’t leave for risk of starving. Once the marijuana is processed, it is ready for packing and transportation. This is probably the least dangerous task of the process depending on the cartel since this process is usually done by better paid members of the cartels but often tortured and killed for stealing any amount of marijuana.

  The mayhem starts once the marijuana is done being processed and the dope starts its journey to various points in the U.S. Starting from the remotely located packing shed in the Sierra Madre mountains, transport drivers are accompanied by armed guards to defend against rival cartels and armed thugs trying to score a quick load to sell on the street. In January of 2010, a truck load of marijuana that had left a shed destined for the Mexico – Texas border was hijacked 200 miles from its destination in Juarez. Armed gunmen supposedly from a rival cartel shot and killed the driver and two escorts. They only managed to steal about 300 of the 1,125 pounds of marijuana from the transport truck before the load escort truck caught up and engaged the hijackers killing one of them. 

 The marijuana was loaded into the escort truck and continued on its way. The bodies were left hanging out of the vehicle and on the road to be picked apart by wild animals until authorities arrived a day and half later. There was no investigation and no one claimed the bodies.

  The load later arrives at a small ranch north of Chihuahua to be divided up in to smaller loads to be distributed to the couriers whose job it is to take the smaller loads to the people along the border who are going to cross the loads into the US. At this point some of the freelance couriers tend to steal small amounts from their loads either for sale or personal use. Since some of the crossers or “Cruzadores” often have exact weights they are to receive, the courier must remain in the room while the load is weighed to ensure the exact weight has been delivered as ordered. These independent couriers are often inexperienced and sometimes carry loads a few times for quick money and think they outsmart the cruzadores and don’t realize they will be held accountable for every ounce of marijuana they transported until it’s too late.

  One week after the hijacking, an 18 year old boy and his 17 year old partner were found bound and gagged with packing tape and single shots to the head. The shed they were found in also had a scale and used packing tape rolls commonly found to wrap marijuana bundles. The two boys were thought to be couriers as both had been previously caught by police with marijuana. They had both dropped out of grade school in search of income and recruited by local plaza henchmen to transport. The 18 year old’s mother initially denied the body was her son out fear of retribution by the cartels who had killed her husband a year before. The 17 year-old’s body was claimed a month later by an uncle after he was buried in a grassless plot with a simple wooden tombstone that reads Jaime G. 2010.

  The marijuana load has now reached the border and ready to be crossed. The cruzadores are usually young men with intimate knowledge of the territory they work in. Their job is to cross the loads into the US with the help of information from lookouts on both sides of the border. They carry multiple cell phones, life preservers, and sometimes, a bag of homemade road spikes to thwart law enforcement vehicle if chased. They know what times the Border Patrol scouts come by, they watch for law enforcement aircraft, and boats. A recovery team remains on the Mexican side to recover the load if the cruzador has to splash his vehicle into the river.

  In one incident, the driver had returned to the river because a police officer was hot on his tail. The driver headed back to the river and alerted his recovery crew that he was coming in. His passenger, wearing a red Polo shirt stayed on the phone and guided the recovery crew to the splashdown location as their route changed. As they neared the river, the stolen truck they were driving blew a tire. The driver accelerated to compensate for the flat tire but kept losing control. He drove off the river bank at an angle faster than anticipated. The sudden stop as the truck hit the water caused the driver to hit his head on the window or door frame. He was disoriented and could not get out of the vehicle before it started sinking. The recovery crew waiting on the Mexican side of the river managed to recover most of the floating bundles but made no effort to extract the driver before the vehicle sank. His body was found two days later by US Border Patrol patrolling the river. He was carrying a fake Texas driver’s license and $275.00 in cash. He was 21 years old. 

  It is possible that the passenger had to pay some retribution to his cartel bosses for his loss of some of the load. Since he was not identified, it could not be confirmed that the body of a young man with a red Polo shirt found two weeks later in Mexico was that of the passenger. Hog tied and blindfolded, he had signs of torture and a gunshot to the back of the head and has yet to be identified.

  A smaller load that was part of the original load from the ranch in Chihuahua has successfully made it through the law enforcement gauntlet and arrived at its destination in Austin, Texas. There, the Ford minivan drives into a neighborhood and down an alley into the back yard of well manicured house where kids play in the front yards.  The Neighborhood Crimewatch signs on the corners of the neighborhood help create the illusion of a safe neighborhood. The marijuana bundles are cut out of the quarter panels and headliner and stashed in the garage, shed and bedrooms. Over the course of a week, other vehicles arrive and the process is repeated until the house is full and the load is ready to be moved further north. In the middle of the night, a cloned insulation truck backs into the driveway where the dope is loaded into the van. The next stop is Atlanta, Georgia.

  The home owner who rented the house had his suspicions about the three Hispanic men who rented the house and paid in cash. He wonders why these men with no kids would move into the area claiming to work for a local company. He looks at the $ 2,800.00 in cash in his hands and dismisses his suspicions. Besides, the last two families couldn’t afford the rent and he has bills to pay. He tells himself that he’s only doing business and he’s not hurting anyone and hands them the keys.

  The truck leaves the Austin stash house early in the morning with a male driver and female passenger. Their cover story is that he found a job in Georgia and they are moving to a new home there. At the same time, a scout vehicle follows three or four car lengths behind them. They will follow the van and never lose sight of it or the driver for the entire journey. The scout’s job is to intercede for the van if law enforcement gets involved. The scout car is usually clean of any contraband or may even be rigged with empty hidden compartments or have an odor of marijuana to occupy law enforcement to give the van time to get away while the scout car is searched. If law enforcement gets behind the moving van on the road, the scout car will commit some type of traffic violation, initiate a pursuit or otherwise attract the officer’s attention in an attempt to stop the scout vehicle instead of the van.

  So far, it has been an uneventful trip for the van and scout car. Once in Louisiana, the scout notices a black Ford Mustang that has been following them for the past 250 miles and is starting to get concerned. Could it be a local gang trying to steal their load? Or maybe a cartel supervisor making sure his load is where it’s supposed to be? Either way, the scout is not only watching out for law enforcement, but an unknown threat. In Tallula, Louisiana, the scout calls the van driver on his burner phone and has him make a detour through town and take Highway 80 instead to be on the safe side. Once in Mississippi everything seems calm and the black Mustang is gone. On the Interstate 20-61 interchange, the scout notices a white pickup following them. Again, the scout’s concern rises then panic sets in as he spots a state trooper on the side of the road. He frantically tries to warn the van driver but it’s too late. The scout sighs in relief as they both pass the trooper and the trooper remains parked. The white pickup is still following though. The scout finally gets the van driver on the phone and tells him to slow down and keep an eye on the white pickup and the green Expedition that been following them.

  They decide to stop for fuel and a quick meal then head out again. After loading up on energy drinks, burgers and fuel at the gas station, a police officer pulls in to the gas station. The scout looks at the van driver as he’s getting in the van and nods casually then looks over in the direction of the officer. The officer notices the Texas license plates and keeps looking. The officer gets out of his unit and walks into the store as the scout places the fuel pump back in the pump holder.

  The van is already a few miles down the road and he has to catch up. Five minutes later the scout spots the van and catches up. Another five minutes goes by and the scout is relieved the officer didn’t question him. As he’s bragging to himself about his getaway, he looks up at his rear view mirror and sees flashing red and blue lights. His heart drops and quickly makes a plan to lose him then, he sees a second patrol car behind him. He quickly pulls over instead. The officer is a narcotics officer familiar with the smuggling routes and concealment techniques used by smugglers. His back up brings out the K9 to search the vehicle knowing the vehicle is a scout and following the load vehicle. The officer has already put out an alert for the van when he was at the store. The officer runs a background check and arrests the scout for a warrant out of Texas and other minor charges.

  The van driver can’t reach the scout on the phone after 20 minutes and throws the phone out the window to avoid any association with the scout if he sings to the police. He takes his van off the highway and starts taking back roads to avoid capture. The next day, the van arrives in Atlanta and pulls into another suburb neighborhood. He doesn’t recognize the man at the house and feels uneasy about turning the dope over to him. He notices what is probably a gun under his shirt and wonders if the man is a rival planning to steal the load. The code word he gets from the man checks out and the van keys are turned over to the man with the gun. The man with the gun tells him he’s there because “Rudy” got shot and arrested by police in a raid at the other house.

  The van is unloaded and the dope split up into three other vehicles where it will be driven to Memphis, Philadelphia, and New York to be distributed to the dealers. In Memphis, five of the 12 dealers are arrested and one is shot and killed by a competitor for selling on his turf. One of the five arrested will serve 20 years in prison because he is a felon in possession of a firearm and was implicated in a rival gang hit.

  The marijuana has finally made its way from the Sierra Madre to the party at a neatly landscaped family house in a quiet subdivision where a 20 year old Sam lights up the joint.

  From harvest to lighting up, about 32 people were forced to work under deplorable conditions, eight people were killed, six were arrested, and two were shot. In addition, six international laws were broken, 24 US laws were broken, eight vehicles were stolen, approximately 12 stolen weapons were in possession of criminals, six officials were bribed, and several families were broken.

  This is just one of the hundreds of runs that happen 24-7, 365 all along the US-Mexico border and throughout the US. Within weeks, the entire process will be reversed but the loads will be US Dollars going to Mexico. The cartel leaders need that money to surround themselves with outrageous luxury and clout. They also need it to bribe officials and buy more guns to perpetuate their business. After all, the demand is there for the taking.

  But, Sam, Sam is an American with the right to smoke marijuana if he wants to. What happens in Mexico is not his doing. As a matter of fact, he condemns the violence in Mexico, but he tells everyone, he’s not hurting anyone, just having a little fun with Mary Jane.
