Friday, March 29, 2019

Cartel Intelligence

As promised, I will reveal how the Mexican cartels use intelligence to defeat US measures to smuggle large amounts of narcotics and aliens into the US.

It really isn't that hard. The US works on a rigid schedule which the Mexican lookouts (halcones) keep a sharp eye on. In Tamaulipas, Scouts keep a sharp eye on American activity. These scouts are cartel paid taco vendors, taxi drivers, or just regular citizens. In Mexico cash talks, words pass as the saying goes where the cost of living is beyond most peoples' way.

In Mexico, most plaza bosses operate on their own and don't need superior bosses to help run their operations but rely on they're own resources. Plaza bosses watch US news and take in what the politicians and citizens are saying. They take that in and factor the policies and the sentiment into their operations. The cartels are not a stupid bunch of smugglers. They are smart and listen to everything our politicians are saying to see how they can use our laws against us or avoid prosecution.

In 2014, the cartels used human smuggling laws to inundate border patrol agents with apprehensions on wild goose chases of unaccompanied children to smuggle 20,000 lbs of narcotics by sending agents off the front lines to basically babysit aliens and kids.

The Zeta cartel was originally a military unit. The head of the Zeta Cartel was José María Guízar Valencia who was wanted in the US, that had later offered a $5 Million reward for his capture. Heriberto Lazcano was also a founder. He was a Mexican Special Forces soldier trained at the School of the Americas Warfare School at Fort Benning, Georgia. Where I went to jump school at.

Lozcano was killed at a soccer game on my shift.

Known as Z-43, he is a dual US-Mexican citizen and is thought to have run the Zeta's south-eastern operations.

The US state department said he was responsible for "importing thousands of kilograms of cocaine and methamphetamine to the US every year" and had murdered an untold number of Guatemalan civilians during the systematic overtake of the Guatemalan border region with Mexico during recent years".

Lazcano was trained by the US Army. He later used that same training against US Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection to build his drug smuggling business to amass millions of US Dollars and responsible for hundreds of deaths. His dead body was smuggled by his cartel members from the morgue and never found. No DNA was taken so his death was never confirmed by the Mexican government.

Aside from his knowledge of US intelligence techniques, he and other cartels such as the Gulf Cartel learned to used street people to give him real-time information about US activities. Even US tourists in Mexico were unknowingly giving the cartels useful information. 

As Americans, we work on schedules just as border patrol and other law enforcement agencies do. Cartels know these schedules and rely on them to conduct their business, They know that they can pay a few Mexican locals a few bucks to cross the river and divert law enforcement so they can make a drug run up the river undetected while law enforcement is busy with the false aliens.

Another ploy is the suicide run. A car is scented with marijuana and run up through the checkpoint. While the scented car which is clean is being checked and taking up to three border patrol agent, the real load car is cleared and rushed through the checkpoint because the agents are held up checking the scented car. 

Payoffs. Life along the border can be hard and pay is low. Getting payoffs by the cartels can be profitable and law enforcement members are not immune. Since I have lived here and on the mission, I have sen many officials get arrested for accepting bribes from the cartels. Everything from street cops to Sheriffs, to politicians. Money talks, bullshits walks.

Cartels members are not the primitive drug addicts people make them out to be. They are intelligent people with the goal of operating a profitable enterprise regardless of laws or life. Money is the ultimate gain. Don't think for one minute that they will spare you if they can make a buck. It will trickle down to the guy you buy your dope from on the street corner.

This is what we have created .

Thursday, March 28, 2019

I no Speaky De English.

I do speaky de Englich, Spanish and some German. I worked at the US Border Patrol RGV Sector headquarters while in the Texas military assigned to the Texas Department of Public Safety on a border security mission. It was the coolest mission I have ever been on and saw some really cool stuff and did some come cool stuff I never would had been able to do in the Army. I also saw a lot of really scary stuff.

One day while at work, I had to go to my truck in the parking lot retrieve some paperwork. I exited the secure door into the parking lot and immediately encountered a male subject who was obviously out of place. I asked him who he was and he stated that he was a Honduran who wanted to turn himself in and return to Honduras. He put his hands up to be handcuffed and said he wanted to be arrested. I told him I cannot arrest him by law as I was a soldier and told him to put his hands down. I was floored and not quite sure what to do as I had never had anyone turn them self in to me. I told him to wait and gave him my water bottle while I went to get an border patrol agent.

I went back in to the building and stopped a border patrol coworker and told him an illegal wanted to turn himself in and that he's waiting outside. He thought I was joking and laughed. (Outside of the door is a secure area). He came outside, met the alien, and eventually contacted an other agent and we all went outside and met with the alien. Sure enough, he admitted to being smuggled in to the US, kept for five days in a stash house under deplorable conditions until he escaped. He wandered Edinburg for two days before asking a local citizen to take him to border patrol to turn himself in.

The local drove him to the border patrol station where the subject squeezed through the gate and approached the building where he approached me. The man proceeded to describe the deplorable conditions he had experienced, the abuse and extortion he endured. We took him into the building and comforted him and listened to his story. We were heartbroken and practically in tears.

We are people too. Were not the cold blooded bloodthirsty storm troopers the media and leftists make us out to be. We are charged to enforce the laws the US has made. Sometimes, the laws suck and don't make any sense, but they are the laws we are paid to enforce.

There, I said it!


Illegal Immigrant Problem?

Well, I believe the immigration problem the left wing media is downplaying has come to a head, again. Folks, I am NOT anti immigration. I strongly feel that everyone has a right to a good and fair life regardless of your skin color, nationality, race, or creed. I do however, believe that immigration and asylum should be done legally. I also believe that assimilation into society should be part of the immigration and asylum process because being American, Canadian, or German, makes us who we are and we must live by laws or risk being an anarchist unruly society living by individual standards.

This post is about how the US immigration laws are so broken that we have arrived at a point where we have allowed ourselves to be over run and don't know what to do next other than to give in. Our border patrol agents are now forced to shut down points of entry and checkpoints to basically babysit illegal immigrants who are using our own laws to play the system we created to keep them out of our country. Immigrants from all over the world are now claiming asylum from their past to enter the US because that is what they are told by their smugglers.

Every immigrant that enters the US illegally takes up around two to four hours to process through the paperwork system. Aside from the paperwork, agent must attend to health and safety issues of the immigrants and deal with unaccompanied children and their welfare. So, for every two or three immigrants an agent catches, that's an entire shift. Considering that an agent is required to transport injured or sick immigrant to the hospital and remain there until he/ she is released, agents often remain past their work shifts to ensure the detainee is healthy enough to be released.

Americans and liberals yet have the gall to call our agents killers, racists, and bigots. I worked at a Border Patrol sector headquarters and know from personal experience that our agents rescue and save more lives than any other law enforcement agency in the country. US Border Patrol even has emergency rescue units called BORSTAR units for the purpose of life saving measures. In my sector, they wear the red shirts instead of green.

So immigrants illegally enter the US, get free transportation, clean safe accommodation, free health care, free housing, and a free bus ticket to their destination and then don't show up for their court hearing. That's the "Catch and Release" program the US currently has as it's immigration policy. As a US veteran and served on a border security mission, I don't even have those rights! I must still pay out of my pocket for those privileges.

So, today, March 26, 2019, the US Border Patrol captured 1,750 illegal immigrants within a 48 hour period just in the Rio Grande Valley Sector alone! That's only in four counties in south Texas! These are immigrants from all over the world, not just Mexico. In fact Mexico is at the bottom six. Most are from Central America and OTMs, (Other than Mexicans). Guess how many anti American radicals with malintent blend into these asylum seekers?

Recently, I visited the respite center in McAllen, Texas to see what is happening there. This is place where immigrants are housed in clean safe environment and provided with basic needs and a free bus ticket to their desired destination to await their court hearing. The city of McAllen and the Catholic church charities is doing a great job of taking care of the immigrants but I still see a mixed message here on the border. The US is welcoming these people, taking care of them, providing all kinds of benefits but then transporting them all over the US without a guarantee that these people will ever follow up on their court dates or asylum pleas. What does that say to other future immigrants? That fact is that these people entered the US illegally! Then, they claim asylum knowing full well the law will allow them to remain here for years before their case comes up giving them plenty of time to disappear and stay in the US while claiming benefits, not paying taxes, and in some cases continuing their criminal endeavors.

This is all happening in my front door folks. If you think this won't happen at your front door, think again, it's only a matter of time before this shows up at your front door.

Listen to border patrol spokesman at click on the Record Numbers at Border link in the podcasts.

Which one of these aliens is a hardened criminal? Which one truly needs asylum? Which one will be an assimilated productive American? There is no validated vetting process.


Sunday, March 24, 2019

What Border Emergency?

Well. as ya'll know by now, the politicians have burned the bridge before we got to it. The president's request for the border wall was vetoed. I'm not totally surprised because the denial was not really about the funding but more about denying Trump. OK, I get it. You don't like President Trump and  think he's a lost circus clown so you'll do anything to stop his efforts no matter what. On the other hand, some of you support President Trump and will do what you can to help him succeed. Regardless of the National Emergencies Act of 1976, which the Senate used to veto the declaration of a national emergency. It was the Democrat-controlled House that asserted its authority with the president, who they claim has gone virtually unchecked during his first two years in office. Unchecked?

So the president declares his authority on border security, and now he's gone rogue? I can just picture the drug cartels celebrating with booze, firing their AKs in the air and waving posters of Nancy Pelosi. Guess what boys and girls? The cartels watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS News and probably even C-Span to see whats going on here to learn how they can use our laws to their benefit. It something called counter intelligence. (Future post BTW).

In the mean time let's take a look at what's really going on in my front yard and yours in the future.

Note that two of these incidents occurred after the veto.

Customs and Border Protection officers seized more than $3 million worth of alleged methamphetamine within four days at the Donna International Port of Entry. A female Mexican citizen was arrested after being found with 38 packages of alleged methamphetamine.

A 22-year-old male U.S. citizen, along with his 18-year-old brother were arrested after Customs agents discovered 39 packages of alleged methamphetamine in their vehicle.

In just five minutes on Tuesday morning, Border Patrol agents in Texas apprehended more than 400 illegal immigrantsCBP agents near the border wall just west of Bowie High School in El Paso encountered a group of 194 illegals around 2:45 AM. Just five minutes later, agents snagged a second group -- this time, it was 245 people -- near downtown El Paso.

Source USCBP,

These are only three incidents out of thousands that occur everyday. Is it just me or do you also see that as a threat to national security? If you want to see more, please visit,

If you think this is a only a border problem, let me tell you what, it not, it's an American problem. The south west border regions are only the foyer of the house we call our home. Our federal agents, troopers, deputies, officers, and constables are the front line boots on the ground line-backing the poison headed north to the rest of the US. During my service along the border, a DEA agent once told me that it was estimated that of all the narcotics that make it across the US border, less than 2% remains here along the border. The rest is headed for major cities like New Your, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, and other large cities where its' more profitable.

See my earlier post: Mary Jane Comes Home

Now, back to the issue of border security. Now that the veto has been slapped across Trump's mug, the Democrats' rhetoric and opinions have been thrown around like penalty flags at a Cowboys game. Now, Mr. Beto O'Rourke is making it abundantly clear the he would "absolutely" support tearing down existing barriers along the southern border with Mexico stating that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) figures suggesting that illegal border crossings dropped sharply in El Paso following the construction of a wall there. In his next statement on MSNBC, he says to  Chris Hayes, that the wall has only pushed migrants and asylum seekers and refugees to the most inhospitable, the most hostile stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border, ensuring their suffering and death."

Keep in mind that Mr. O'Rourke has only mentioned asylum seekers, families, children, work and human rights or as I call them, "happy points". He has not yet mentioned anything about felons, dangerous gang members, or narcotics entering our country, which in most cases cannot be vetted by the originating countries.

Wait. Just because border crossings dropped sharply in El Paso since the wall went up, taking it down will keep the numbers the same or lower them? What about the rest of Texas or New Mexico? Since the wall has been up in the Rio Grande Valley numbers have been only about 10% lower but drug seizures have increased. Are you using Common Core Math Mr. O'Rourke?

Mr. O'Rourke also says that because of the border wall, (which Senate Minority Leader Schumer, D-NY, then-Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, supported the Secure Fence Act of 2006, authorizing 700 miles of fencing at the border), have in effect, "Walled off their opportunity to legally petition for asylum, to cross in urban centers like El Paso, to be with family, to work jobs, to do what any human beings should have a right to be able to do".

If the border wall/ fence is removed, what is going to prevent human/ drug smugglers, gang members, terrorists, criminals, and gang members from entering our borders? As it stands now, Agents and other LEOs at our borders are overwhelmed, stretched thin, and funding for border security is never at full operational levels. 

Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against legal immigration, asylum, or foreign workers coming to the US but the problem of the undesirable dangers entering our country now and in our children's future must also be addressed. This partisan playground bullying must stop and the real issues American face must be addressed now! 

This post was targeted against all politicians and Americans against border security, no only against Mr. O'Rourke. He was just the squeaky wheel which I refuse to oil.

Look for my my post Cartel Counter Intelligence next week.

Dann bis später. 

Monday, March 18, 2019

Border Patrol Checkpoint Idiots.

Once again, another one of many personal US rights zealots who really thinks they are above the law. Man, these people are IDIOTS!

Go ahead people tell me I'm wrong at this point, but before you do, If you are so adamant about your damn rights, finish reading before you spout off.

You idiots who are trying to become YouTube stars by defying Border Patrol checkpoints and seeking "likes" make me sick to my stomach and want to make me to throw up on your Mercedes Benz velour seats. First of all, you DEMAND that the US Government keep us safe from harm from outside threats but you FAIL and miserably blow it when you REFUSE to believe that outside threats come in all forms such as outsiders posing as Americans and smugglers being smarter than you by refusing questioning at checkpoints. (Think 9/11 attackers).

That proves to me that you're more concerned more about your civil rights than you are are about the threats to our country that I defended for 21 years while you sat in cushy home in Wisconsin smoking weed that was smuggled in from Mexico or cocaine from Columbia.

Personally, I think your "recreational drugs" are more of a concern to you than border security or US safety, or even your personal "recreation".

Read my post:
Or even my post:

Or maybe even US Law: The authority for this is based on the Immigration and Nationality Act 287(a)(3) and copied in 8 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 287 (a)(3), which states that Immigration Officers, without a warrant, may "within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States...board and search for aliens in any vessel within the territorial waters of the United States and any railcar, aircraft, conveyance, or vehicle. 8 CFR 287 (a)(1) defines reasonable distance as 100 air miles from the border.

FYI, Border Patrol is a department of US Customs and Border Protection.

Guess what? I was born and raised along the Texas / Mexican border, I served in the Army all over the world and have crossed more stringent borders than you ever will in the US, I served on US / Mexico border security mission along with TxDPS and Border Patrol and Brooks County Sheriff's Office. I happen to know the deal more than you ever will. My favorite city to visit is San Antonio and the Hill Country of Texas but every time I had to leave my home in the Rio Grande Valley since I was a kid, I had to cross the US Border Patrol checkpoint. It was a fact of life.

Two questions were asked of me, Are you a US Citizen, (Yes). Where you going, (San Antonio or where ever I was going). I got waved through. In the 52 years I have lived in the RGV, I have only been stopped once because I looked scruffy and was driving my mother's Lincoln Park Avenue car. I showed my civilian credentials and released. 

But, NOOOOOOOO, you have to be difficult and insist on your "civil rights", hold up the line for us regular folk, then post it on YouTube as a victory. Well FYI, you didn't quite get off as easy as you thought. As I assisted USBP for many years, I know that before every checkpoint, agents expect people like you and have license plate readers before you get to the checkpoint and at the checkpoint along with drug sniffing dogs. Any vehicle attempting to cross the checkpoint with your vehicle's description under suspicion has already been given to every checkpoint along the border and I know that because I was one to guys who sent those alerts to USBP and surrounding county Sheriffs' Officers and TxDPS Troopers. 

Really, you think you may have achieved a victory over the "Gestapo" government agents but the fact is, they can easily run your plates through NCIC, TCIC or any other database and quickly find you. 

Hey, you asked us to keep you all safe but you think that just because you're an American your immune from US law. That's not enough in today's world so just answer the damn questions and don't worry so much about,

Here's another one I just found on Facebook trying to make her I'm a US Citizen statement and I don't have to answer US Law ignoramous YouTube wannabe. Again, read US law and read the US Law below. Ignorance of the law is NOT an excuse. You people only care to no citizen detainment but refuse to accept:

US Immigration and Nationality Act 287(a)(3) and copied in 8 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 287 (a)(3), which states that Immigration Officers, without a warrant, may "within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States...board and search for aliens in any vessel within the territorial waters of the United States and any railcar, aircraft, conveyance, or vehicle. 8 CFR 287 (a)(1) defines reasonable distance as 100 air miles from the border.

If you consider yourself a US citizen, then why do you refuse to obey this US Law? Yeah, I know, you think it  "violates" your Constitutional Rights. Well guess what snowflake? Your Constitutional Right video has been teaching US drugs smugglers how to get passed checkpoints without getting searched. Luckily most don't all get passed though. Here's another thing snowflake. If your so high and mighty about your Constitutional rights on search and seizure being enforced, why are you so against my constitutional rights when it come to my 2nd Amendment rights?



Border Emergency!

I'll try not to get to political on this post though I seldom do on my blogs.

Much has been said about the president's border emergency and the Democrats' (and some Republicans) to veto it. Well, like I said, I won't get political but the fact is that the veto is a political move to make President Trump look bad.

Why you ask? That's the job they have reverted to doing instead of doing the job they were elected to do. Whether you support Trump or see him as clueless clown, the fact remains that our US / Mexico border is still not secure and drugs, criminals, and illegal aliens are still pouring in on a daily basis.

Regardless of what you hear on the news and from far distanced reporters tell you, it's still part of an agenda. How do I know that and can I prove it? Sure! I was born and raised seven miles from the border of Mexico in deep South Texas. I have seen the change in Mexico since I used to go there every weekend for shopping and partying as a young'un. When I moved back to my home town after a 10 year stint in the Army, I joined the Guard and was soon attached to TxDPS and assigned to a border security mission alongside the US Border Patrol where my team and I would received reports from several law enforcement agencies of incidents along the US / Mexico border.

It was our job to receive these report, extract information and intelligence, then add up the numbers and statistics on a weekly basis. We would then create a weekly report that was sent to Austin Border Security Operations Center. The Dept of Homeland Security found our reports very useful as well as the the US Army Northcom Command, Southcom, White House Sit-room, and occasionally some other government three lettered agencies.

My small organization saw firsthand the large amounts of dope that were seized every day. Everyday, it was our job to count the number of aliens caught by the many agencies along the border. They were referred to as IAs, (Illegal Aliens), UAs, (Undocumented Aliens), or OTMs, (Other than Mexicans).

An average day in 2017 was around 20 Mexican UAs, 394 OTMs, and eight gang member. The interesting thing was that many of the OTMs came from places China, Eritrea, Equarorial Guinea, Ghana, Guadaloupe, Cameroon, Chile, Uruguay, and ironically, I remember when a Canadian was caught crossing the Rio Grand River. Keep in mind that these stats are ONLY for the five counties along the the southern tip of Texas over a one week period.

Would you like these stats in your community?

Illegal alien apprehensions are NOT counted as arrests but as referrals and apprehensions. Gang member arrests from outside of the US were included in the arrests of gang members.

As for the drugs, 230 lbs of marijuana was the average sized load seized between 2014-2015. That has dropped to about 150 lbs, or about 25,000 lbs of marijuana per week. Cocaine dropped to about 40 lbs per week, Heroin down to about 50 lbs per week, and meth up to about 50 lbs per week. That was just on northbound operations.

Southbound Ops would seize several thousands of US Dollars and weapons headed to the cartels in Mexico and Central American countries.

Anti Trump reporters and politicians love to try to disprove these facts by coming down to the border for a day or two but they always seem to report from the least active places along the border to "prove" their point. Let me or my Border Patrol coworkers take them to where the action is going on, oh wait, that would disprove their agenda.

Anyways, This apprehension took place about seven mile from my house in March of 2019.

This is near where President Trump visited in January of 2019.

February of 2019. Next town over from mine.

Oct, 2018 MS 13 gang members apprehended. Other Central American and Mexican gangs not well know are the Barrio 18 AKA, M-18, Barrio Azteca, Surenos, and Mexican Mafia to name a few.

So why are these numbers still high you ask. President Obama also declared an emergency government shutdown from 10/1/13 - 10/16/13 (16 days), that resulted in many Border Patrol Agents having to work for free and many quit seeking employment elsewhere. Not much hoopla there but I saw firsthand many of my USBP Agent coworkers retire early or quit or seek work elsewhere. So basically, The Border Patrol never fully recovered from that loss and are left with fewer boots on the ground. Don't think the cartels and smugglers didn't take advantage of that!

This was my station and that banner on the building has been up since 2010. It's 2019 and it's still there. The Republicans sought to block the Affordable Care Act. Now the Democrats are seeking to veto Trumps Border Wall emergency. Again, I'm not choosing the ACA or the Border wall over the other nor Obama over Trump. I've given you the numbers and stats from my personal boots on the ground. You decide. If you still don't believe me, come to the RGV and stay a week or two. Talk to the agents on the ground, they're all over the place. They live here too and part of our culture.

I'd like to mention that even though we live with the problem of illegal immigration, drug, and human smuggling, the RGV is still a very safe place to live.  Just remember that the bad guys and immigrants know not to mess with Americans and want to keep the lowest profile possible. The last thing they want is to be seen or harm an American because they know the law will come down extra hard for doing so.

Being in the military, I have lived in many more places that I didn't feel as safe as I do in the RGV even though I know what's going on around me and my family. Outside of work, my family and I have NEVER had an issue with the border problems along the Rio Grand River.

Stay safe my friends and drink Dos Equis Responsibly.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Cyberhack Awareness

I usually don't post much on cyber security security because it is a such a large crime and the variations and techniques are so varied, I would spend way too much time on just that. Every once in while I will come across a cyber crime I will feel compelled to share with my readers for what ever reason.

In this particular hack, I felt was worth of your knowledge because it is ridiculously simple and I also feel it would most likely be perpetrated by someone you know.

This hack is being made known by the awesome Symantec technology company known for their security, storage and backup software. I thought it was cool of them to produce this video.

What could a hacker learn about you be accessing you email account(s) and how could they exploit the information they have access to?

Aside from getting to know more about your personal life, I also see the potential for identity theft by possibly getting more valuable information from your emails that could be pieced together to create your personal profile. That profile could further be used to apply for credit cards, loans, and various other things which would devastate your life.

Remember, identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world.

Take heed.

I Have a Key to Your House

Nowadays, you can pretty much find anything online. But, have you ever considered that the key to the front door of your house can be bought online for $6.00? I didn't think so.Well, think again. Fortunately, it can only be bought online if you allow your house key to be photographed. Think that's far fetched? Criminals don't think so. I took a walk around the office I work in and managed to photograph three house keys. I even told one guy I was going to do a magic trick using his keys and got the perfect picture of his house key. Of course that was just a ruse and I played the failure of the trick well but I still managed to keep the picture of his house key.

I'm not going to explain the whole scenario since Good Morning America did a great job so I'm just going to provide a link to the video and story.

The video will open in a new window. Watch it & return here for the solution.

Obviously, the best way to prevent someone from duplicating your key is to keep it secure and never leave your keys where someone else can access them regardless of how well you know them.

Another good ploy is to have a dummy key on your key ring. This works best if you label the dummy key "house" or "back door" with a Sharpie or your actual house key labeled "Shed" or some other undesirable place away from your home.

If you need this service for yourself, go to

No Man is Above Temptation
1 Corinthians 10:13


Your PIN on my iPhone

 I've been trolling the deep web for more juicy security information for you and have had some major changes in my life which have kept moving around a lot. Regardless, I have found some info for your personal safety. I wanted to post this one first because I want to demonstrate how far criminals will go to achieve their goal of ripping you off using readily available technology. Although this methods may seem a little far fetched now, they are plausible and will eventually catch on. I want to give you a heads up so you can learn how to protect yourself now so you won't be a victim in the future.

The video uses an infrared iPhone camera attachment used to read your PIN number on most keypads. Since I used to be an infrared night vision system expert in the US Army, I can honestly say that this procedure will definitely work as demonstrated.

BTW, that is not me in the video. Mark Rober is the genius dude who demonstrates the procedure.

So how do you protect yourself from this type of PIN theft? Well, first of all, keep in mind that even if some scumbag pulls this stunt on you, he may have your PIN number but, he still needs your actual debit card. The problem here lies in you becoming a mugging or theft victim.

I actually went into a store and tested a method to defeat this PIN theft procedure. The best method I found was to simply punch in your PIN number using the stylus attached to the keypad because it will not leave a heat signature. If no stylus is provided, use a pen, your keys or some other solid object to press the keypad buttons. That will eliminate any heat signatures on the keypad.

If you find yourself with nothing solid to press the keys with, use you finger but continue pressing additional buttons after you've entered your PIN since the code reader will only register the first four numbers anyway. Just make sure that you press one of the numbers in your PIN so the heat signature changes and leave a pattern.

Never underestimate the craftiness of greed.


RAD Pack

The Ares Armor RAD Pack

About two years ago, I received an email from a fellow analyst at the FBI. It was an officer safety alert about a new product called the the RAD Pack. I watched the video and was amazed at the brilliance of the vest and how effective it was. The analyst side of me automatically saw how it could easily be used for crimes if people were not aware of it in large public gatherings. I thought it would be a good idea to show it to my readers so they would be aware of not only the the threat, but what is available for your use and safety.

Considering that this piece of equipment has built in armor, it also has a easily accessible gun holster built in which is ergonomically positioned. Not only that, you can carry your Red Bulls and granola bars while ensuring your safety.

Watch the video below and check out their site.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Trump's Emergency

Well, my latest post.

Nothing political. I live on the US Mexico border. I grew up here and enjoyed going to Mexico on the weekends as a kid. Eventually, I wound up on a border security mission after the cartels took over Mexico. I saw first hand the progression of the cartels and saw the effects in my home town and the surrounding areas. I hated the effects but had to deal with it. Now that I was was working border security, I was more adamant. While on the mission, I had the unfortunate duty of researching the Mexican cartel crimes. I had special internet access to Mexican websites where the cartel members would post gruesome videos of their crimes to include dismemberments and be headings. I had to watch these damn videos to describe to the US government what was going in on in Mexico that could be a threat to the US. One on my reports actually made it to the White House sitroom. Here is a video of what really happens in my home town in Texas. Trump may call for an "emergency" while democrats and liberal call BS. Come and spend a week with our border law enforcement before you call BS.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

I'm Back!

Well folks, I'm back with a vengeance. I'm finally retired from active military duty. I figured 21 years was enough. I enjoyed my service, especially while working in Military Intelligence (Not just an oxymoron), for he last 10 years. I learned so much there which gave me much of the subjects for this blog. Now that I have more time, I will be posting more often on many different topics. Enjoy!

